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Behind Their Green Mask – The  Government Proposes Legislation to Criminalise Disagreeing With Net Zero

Behind Their Green Mask – The  Government Proposes Legislation to Criminalise Disagreeing With Net Zero

We should have listened to Rosa Koire back in 2011 when she warned that “The Green Mask must be removed from those who have hijacked the environmental movement.” This is true of many of the issues we are experiencing but particularly today as the UK Government introduced legislation related to net zero measures which may criminalise “non-compliance with imposed requirements under energy performance regulations.

Under this new legislation, those who fail to adhere to energy consumption regulations could face criminal charges, such as imprisonment for up to a year, and fines of up to £15,000. Prosecutions may also occur for providing false information about energy efficiency or obstructing enforcement authorities. according to Lois Perry founder of CAR26 a group that campaigns for “informed, rational analysis of Climate matters” (source).

Perry, who writes for the Daily Express, says “This has set off major alarm bells amongst lovers of freedom across the country.” That will be all of us then?

The Green Mask

We should have paid attention to Rosa Koire back in 2011 when she wrote in her book “Behind The Green Mask: Agenda 21, of the plan for world governance that, was “eating like a metastasized cancer into every nation, free and bound, in the world. Under the banner of saving the planet, we are drowning liberty” […] and “Under the mask of green our civil liberties are being restricted, constricted, and suffocated in every village and hamlet.”


We would understand now if told ” Your government is a corporatocracy, a new authoritarian state in the process of consolidating your output into a more controllable, exploitable channel. The reason you are being misled by your government and told that all of this is good for you, is because there is no profit in managing a mass uprising. It is too disruptive.,” because we are witnessing it.

Public Dissatisfaction with ULEZ

We can see that it was likely a result of the disruption that came with the public dissatisfaction due to the ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) at the recent byelection. This may well have caused the net zero row back from Starmer and Sunak, by proposing legislation that could potentially grant the Government power to create new criminal offences and increase penalties, they will silence those dissenting voices.

Fortunately, the proposal has its critics and opposition from some members of the Conservative party, who argue that this move starkly contradicts the will of the British people. Nonetheless, we are used to the WEF puppets ignoring any criticisms that get in the way of the pursuit of their net-zero globalist goals.

Amending Existing Laws

This may be why the Government has decided to take a more soft approach or as Perry says, their ‘get out of jail’ card, “they do not intend to create new criminal offences but may simply need to amend existing laws, particularly those stemming from EU legislation like the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations, which includes Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).”

“These amendments aim to provide stakeholders, including landlords, businesses, and tenants, with information to make informed decisions regarding energy efficiency,” writes Perry, but. she says, “the real concern is that even these amendments could lead to the criminalisation of individuals who do not comply with the new energy rules.”

Shift in Power Dynamics

It’s this pandemic-style shift in power dynamics – this time using the Climate rather than Covid – which is the source of worry for many, says Perry, who argues that it is “vital for the electorate to communicate their views loud and clear to the MPs to address these concerns.” and as Perry asserts that it “is crucial to ensure that the criminalisation of energy use without public consent does not become a reality.”

Before turning the questioning of net zero into a criminal offence, the Government should “consider conducting a thorough review and hold a referendum to gauge public opinion. This, says Perry, “would help ensure that the policies align with public sentiment and garner broader support. After all, our elected representatives always argue they work for you.”

Obviously, the issue of net zero has become a significant point of contention in the UK, and according to Lois Perry “It is essential to engage in open and democratic discussions about the path forward to ensure that these policies reflect the will of the people and do not undermine fundamental democratic principles.” and “If a referendum is not pursued (both Boris and now Rishi ruled it out so don’t hold your breath) it is essential to demand clear assurances from the Government that they will not enforce net zero targets without explicitly outlining them in an election party manifesto.”

The Old Way

Of course, she is right, “but that is the old way of doing things,” according to Koire, “the democratic way,” she explains. this is where “an issue is put before the voters and they vote on it directly, or they have a representative who reviews the issues, debates them publicly, and then votes. If the voters are not satisfied with the outcome, they can initiate a referendum or vote out the representative. but –

There can be no opportunity for failure in implementing Agenda 21.

Agenda 21 Our Rights as Individuals

The arm of UN Agenda 21 is long and reaches into every area of the world. The philosophy of Communitarianism pervades this plan.” Koire said, and “To want government to serve the people by providing services, infrastructure, and protection is not contradictory to objecting to the imposition of restrictions that break the hearts and wallets of property owners.

The government is not serving us, they are serving its masters, the orchestrators of the Agenda 21 plan, and under that plan, it has no intention of adhering to our rights or democracy and it is blatant about it. The slogan of UN Agenda 21, to protect the rights of future generations and all species against the potential crimes of the present, is both a smokescreen and a declaration of entitlement.

By standing on this high-sounding premise the rights of the individual are called selfish and those who would fight for them slurred as immoral. Standing up for democracy and our rights is selfish in comparison to wanting what is best for the community, in other words, the community has no idea that we are standing up for them too.

Notably, Koire understood that “Communitarianism ‘balances’ the rights of the individual with the so-called rights of the community.” and “because the rights of the community are not defined in a constitution they can change without warning or notice; one’s individual rights are balanced against a continuously redefined amorphous rulebook. This rulebook is written in the dark and the individual runs up against it at dawn, and alone.

Although Perry suggests that there is a “desire for a more inclusive and democratic approach to shaping these policies” perhaps after the show of not only dissatisfaction but also anger at Khans’ undemocratic ULEZ actions, the pair have never had any intention to listen, hold a referendum, or adhere to public consensus.

The markets want you to continue to cooperate—quietly and obediently. You are in the midst of the biggest public relations scam in the history of the world. The pretty pastel vision of life in a Smart Growth development is a manipulation, a mask. In fact, these plans are designed to restrict your freedom.

The philosophy that by merely living and exhaling we pose a direct danger to the earth is self-destructive and truly damaging to those lands that we steward. As Rosa Koire says, “The Green Mask must be drawn back—far back from the personalities: the little dictators running trusts, foundations, planning departments, city and town councils, provinces and states, non-governmental foundations and the like.

The Green Mask must be removed from those who have hijacked the environmental movement and Awareness is the first step in the Resistance. – Rosa Koire

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