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Beloved Home Depot Employee With Cerebral Palsy Is Changing The Way We See Customer Service

When asked to say the first words that come to mind when we hear the phrase “customer service,” I doubt that loving, friendly, committed, and hardworking are common responses.

Beloved Home Depot Employee With Cerebral Palsy Is Changing The Way We See Customer Service

But that is what comes to mind when patrons of the Home Depot in Neptune, New Jersey are asked to describe customer service representative Kevin Woolley. Faced with the challenge of having cerebral palsy, Kevin’s life is anything but easy, but you never get that impression from him. Kevin consistently works every minute of his Monday to Friday 8 hour job with a feeling of joy and a desire to provide help to customers in any way possible. USA Today recently put together a video showcasing one of the most beloved customer service representatives in the United States: Kevin’s story stands out as a true testament to the power of positivity. Rather than basking in self pity and lamenting his condition, Kevin actively chooses to not feel sorry for himself, instead working with the body he has been given. Some may view his body as inferior, but it is still a functioning vessel for him to operate with and appreciate, and Kevin takes full advantage, pushing himself well beyond even what the average person expends in energy during a typical day. As I alluded to above, for the most part customer service is viewed negatively. For those working in it, it is seen as unwanted job that involves far too many unpleasant interactions, and for those being serviced by it, it regularly includes seeking the help of someone who either doesn’t know how or, even worse, doesn’t want to help you. Rather than continuing this trend, challenge yourself to do your part in redefining the customer service experience.

The next time you are out shopping and require help, remind yourself to be grateful for any service that you do receive and keep your attitude in check. Sympathize with the fact that that individual has likely dealt with a number of difficult customers already, and decide to be a bright spot in their day. Doing that will not only make their lives easier, but could also make your own shopping or client experience much better.

The way you treat people impacts the way you get treated, so choose wisely. .

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