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Biden Signs 'Environmental Justice' Order to Impact Every Federal Agency

Biden Signs 'Environmental Justice' Order to Impact Every Federal Agency

President Joe Biden on Friday signed an “environmental justice” order in the Rose Garden that gives the White House more ability to track the implementation of social justice policies throughout the administration.

The order will create a new Office of Environmental Justice within the administration to coordinate efforts across the government.

The new office will require taxpayer-funded agencies to develop costly plans “to address the disproportionate impact of pollution and climate change on minority and tribal communities,” according to the New York Times. Critics say the new office is just one more mechanism by which the federal government can enforce far-left ideological policies over Biden’s already struggling economy with systemic inflation. While Biden focuses on social justice, Biden’s economy is facing consistent inflation. Biden’s 40-year-high inflation, on average, cost American households an extra $5,200 last year, or $433 per month, according to Bloomberg. Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

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