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Black Mirror: An Exciting Sci-Fi Netflix Thriller Or A Dire Warning For Where Humanity Is Heading?

There is no doubt about it, our society is welcoming more and more technology into our lives, at an alarming rate.

Black Mirror: An Exciting Sci-Fi Netflix Thriller Or A Dire Warning For Where Humanity Is Heading?

It has already taken over many aspects of our lives from communication, to shopping, to banking, to virtually all aspects of our lives. In many ways it’s great, we are advancing at a rapid pace and our lives are becoming more efficient, but does this come at a cost? In the popular sci-fi thriller series, “Black Mirror,” cautions are heeded in regards to how much of our lives we are giving up to technology and what the implications might be. Each episode has a different cast, characters and story line, but all serve as a potential warning as to what the implications of accepting too much technology into our lives may do, and it’s definitely something to be wary of. Because the technology in our lives tends to roll out slowly, we generally accept it as it is, but at what point will we take a step back and question our actions? Much Love .

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