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Blackboard In NYC Asks People Their Biggest Regrets – What They All Had In Common Was Heartbreaking

Blackboard In NYC Asks People Their Biggest Regrets – What They All Had In Common Was Heartbreaking

What is your biggest regret? Is there something you wish you had done, or something you wish you had done differently? Did you hold a grudge, lose touch with friends, or forget to say I’m sorry? Did you take the easy road rather than pursue what really excites you? You may be surprised to see how similar many of our regrets truly are. Check out the video below to see what the people of New York City had to say. It was pretty eye-opening to see that the vast majority of us share so much in common. We regret the things we didn’t do far more than the things we did; the chances not taken weigh much more heavily on us than the mistakes made. As it states in the video: “They were about chances not taken.

They were about words not spoken.

They were about dreams never being pursued.” After the exercise, each participant was given an eraser. This allowed them to both physically and psychologically ‘erase’ their regrets and start with a clean slate, conveying the very powerful message that we don’t need to make the same mistakes twice or live with our regrets forever. It really is never too late to pursue our dreams, but we must release the burden of regret first. “Every passing day is another chance to turn it all around.” This serves as a powerful reminder to us all to take more chances and embrace change in our lives; to not let fear run our lives; to swallow our pride and say we’re sorry; to tell the people dear to us that we love them. Every day is a clean slate. Do the things you’ll regret not doing. What’s your biggest regret? .

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