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BREAKING: Army Corps of Engineers Halts Dakota Access Pipeline Construction

Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline has been halted..

BREAKING: Army Corps of Engineers Halts Dakota Access Pipeline Construction

The decision was made by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who told water protectors that the current path of the pipeline will be denied, according to a statement from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. CBC, being one of North America’s largest mainstream media outlets states that, “for months, thousands of people have descended upon a handful of camps in the area to voice opposition to the pipeline.

The largest is the Oceti Sakowin Camp, which is managed by the U.S. Army Corps.” MSNBC news is also reporting it, showing up after ignoring so much. Many mainstream media outlets are only now conveniently jumping on the story. Unfortunately, they’ve done (mainstream media) a very poor job at covering what’s really been happening at standing rock. Collective Evolution was there, and the place was completely devoid of any mainstream media but full of thousands of people in peaceful support of something we should not really have to put so much effort into protecting, our water.

They have not reported to you that peaceful water protectors have been bombarded and assaulted for simply standing peacefully and protecting the water.

The police force has been militarized and concussion grenades, tear gas, pepper spray, and more were used on the water protectors, often resulting in terrible injuries. A young woman was shot in the head with a rubber bullet, suffering from what could be permanent damage. One gentleman had a grand mal seizure and some were vomiting blood after taking rubber bullets to the stomach. And a young woman named Sophia Wilansky might actually might lose her arm after a concussion grenade tore through flesh all the way to the bone. It’s because of these people the pipeline construction has now been stopped, and we thank you so much for all that you’ve done. For a long time, thousands of people have come together in peaceful prayer and communion, and after all they’ve already been through, success if finally here. It’s distressing to think that peaceful water protectors could be hurt in such a manner, all in the name of corporate greed that the entire collective no longer desires. It’s something that happens and is happening worldwide, as this hand of corporate greed and finance is slowly looses its grip over the planet.

The time for change has come and it will continue to move forward, this is a great example and gives us great hope moving forward.

The Army Corps of engineers are now going to do an environmental impact study to figure out where it will be re-routed. That being said, pipelines should not exist as they are an environmental/health disaster wherever they burst, spill or explode The great news is that it will not go under the Missouri river.

These pipelines are completely unnecessary. It’s already known that we have many other viable options for generating energy. One of them we know of, beyond solar, wind, and other clean energy technologies that are less effective than we’ve been led to believe, is the Magnetic Transducer Generator by Noca Clean Energy. It’s common knowledge that oil pipelines frequently break and that most of these spills aren’t covered by mainstream media. Sunoco Logistics Partners L.P., the company that’s gunning to acquire Energy Transfer Partners (the company that’s building the DAPL), has experienced upwards of 200 oil spills that we know about. Here’s another video of Robert F Kennedy Jr explaining why the pipeline was illegal. Here’s another congressperson giving a good summary of what the obvious problem was: We’ve seen it with movements regarding GMO labelling, our food, water fluoridation, and other areas of recent interest, like energy, that the masses can make a real difference when our collective desire is heard. Standing Rock is another great example of what we can accomplish when we all come together in peace and unity, for a common cause, despite all of the efforts to surpress and take attention away from what was happening at Standing Rock. This can and is being done on a mass scale across the planet. Never before in history have so many people ‘woken up,’ and come together voicing their desire for a new human experience. We can create a world where everybody can thrive, we just have to stand up for it in the same way we do for mega sports events, or major awards shows. Our attention must shift, and we must now focus on taking care of our planet and every living thing on it. As you can see it takes quite an effort, but because of the people, and the power of the internet and alternative media (which they are still trying to suppress), a massive amount of awareness was created as to what was really going on in Standing Rock. This is a huge victory for the human race, and we must remember that this ‘fight’ is not over.

The entire planet faces threats from these pipelines and other environmentally hazardous projects all over the world as a result of corporate greed.

These projects are no longer needed, and the solutions are here. Implementing these solutions is the next step, and the ‘fight’ against these pipelines cannot be stopped. Re-routing it is a great success, but completely destroying their existence and our dependency on oil is the necessary one.

The biggest take away from this, is again, the power of the people when we all come together, in peace and love, for a common cause.

The key words there are peace and love, as it was the power of peace, love, and non-voilent resistance that brought this about. Human unity and togetherness in peace got the job done. .

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