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Can Soursop Really Cure Cancer?

Soursop Soursop Soursop – I just wanted to say that, this word has no meaning now I have said it so many times.

Can Soursop Really Cure Cancer?

Although, it is fun to say! There has been a lot of information surfacing lately about this amazing Asian fruit, which is said to have 10,000 times the cancer fighting properties than chemotherapy. Quite impressive! This fruit is called ‘Soursop.’ I just want to say that there are a number of different studies done with this fruit, but it appears that there are no real scientific studies done on humans to prove that this fruit can cure cancer. I am not surprised by this because if this fruit does do as the claims are saying then the cancer industry wouldn’t want to report on a study because then, they would be out of business and the ‘Cancer Industry,’ would no longer be an industry at all.

The way I see it is that I don’t understand why people would go through all the trouble of providing their own research and experiences about something if it is completely false. Not only that, but chemo is still really not a very effective treatment at all, so any alternative methods are worth a shot! Soursop is a sweet, seedy fruit with a milky white flesh and a green-yellowy colored skin. It comes from a specific type of evergreen tree that is found in Mexico, Peru, Australia, Malaysia and many South American and Asian countries. There have been studies done on rats that show that soursop can directly combat cancer cells and stop and inhibit growth. This is a great thing because the Chemotherapy method combats all cells in the hopes that it will kill the cancer cells as well. Soursop is a high alkaline food, so it is important to watch the intake of it, because too much alkaline can in fact, have adverse affects on the body. If it is being used to fight cancer, then the body is acidic and can definitely benefit from high doses of alkaline. This is how the soursop combats the cancer. Soursop also contains high levels of vitamin C, vitamin B1 and vitamin B2, which are some of the most essential nutrients for the human body! One of the downsides to soursop is that it is found mostly in tropical countries, so it makes it difficult for those of us in the North West to reap the benefits of this sweet fruit. It doesn’t travel well as its flesh can be bruised quite easily, and needs to be maintained at a temperature above 3° Celsius. If the fruit is being juiced, then bottled and sold it is most likely pasteurized which will kill the majority of its healing properties anyways.

The best way to have this fruit is fresh from the tree, or at least as close to that as possible. Some people have been able to grow soursop trees in Florida too, so there is hope for us up here in the North West. 😉 From what I have gathered, soursop appears to be quite amazing! If anyone is seriously thinking of using this fruit to treat or cure cancer I do strongly encourage everyone to do his or her own research on the matter and decide whether this is a good choice for you! This is one of the MANY natural cancer treatments are available to us today! .

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