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Canadian conservatives say no to Digital IDs that WEF collaborators are attempting to implement

The leader of the Canadian Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre, said that if he were to be elected Prime Minister, he would not impose digital IDs.

Canadian conservatives say no to Digital IDs that WEF collaborators are attempting to implement

He made the comment on a campaign trail in Windsor, Ontario.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government announced its federal Digital Identity Program last August.

“And to answer your question, I will never allow the government to impose a digital ID,” Poilievre said.

Poilievre’s comment came a few days after Alberta and Saskatchewan’s premiers said that they were not interested in a federal digital ID.

“The government of Saskatchewan is not creating a Digital ID nor will we accept any requirements for the creation of a digital ID tied to healthcare funding,” said Saskatchewan’s Premier Scott Moe.

Alberta’s Premier Danielle Smith said that she fully supported what Moe said.

Transport Canada has recently announced that the Known Traveller Digital Identity (“KTDI”) project is ongoing, contrary to earlier reports suggesting that the project has been discontinued.

The KTDI is a collaborative effort between the World Economic Forum (“WEF”), Accenture, INTERPOL, various government entities, and the governments of the Netherlands and Canada. The project was initiated in 2018 to create a secure and decentralised digital identity system for travellers between the Netherlands and Canada. The system utilises cryptographic encryption and distributed ledger technology to ensure the protection of travellers’ personal information.

Republished from Reclaim the Net

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