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Capricorn Lunar Eclipse: Healing the Collective Father Wound

Image by Scott Kahn July 4, 2020 — A Capricorn Lunar Eclipse arrives on Saturday, at 9:44pm Pacific Time, severing us from the past as we close the eclipse vortex in a season of three eclipses.

Capricorn Lunar Eclipse: Healing the Collective Father Wound

Falling on the Sun of the United States, this eclipse has extra potency here. This marks a key point on our journey of breaking out of old structures and paradigms, and healing our collective father wound. Via Ethereal Culture. This eclipse is encouraging us to embrace a new, more matriarchal age—where generosity and gentleness rule and we share power, rather than harboring it. Frustration and anger may run high as we stand up to corruption and deception, and fight for a kinder world. As we do so, outside forces may dig in their heels, protecting their fragile egos and outworn ways. However, truth is rising—revealing itself both personally and collectively. With Jupiter conjunct Pluto, and Saturn joining in, our shadows are emerging so we can confront them. Old frameworks are crumbling as the fires of renewal consume all that was. If we are still enough, we may notice the glimmer of silver lining, especially for those willing to dive into uncertainty and embrace all that’s unwritten. With Uranus supporting this Full Moon, Innovators, egalitarians, and rebels are ready to lead the way, toppling oppressive systems, while inventing whole new approaches to life, relationships, and society. Sign Up for The Alchemist's Kitchen newsletter. Get the latest savings, events, herbal education and save 10% on your first purchase. To read the rest of Juliana’s wisdom, click here. For more than twenty years, Juliana McCarthy has been studying and practicing Western Astrology, finding it to be a powerful tool for self-exploration and examining how we relate to others. She loves working with people to help them understand their authentic selves—their complexities, gifts, karma, and life paths. In particular, she finds Astrology to be helpful for major transitions, unexpected life changes, and for better understanding relationships—romantic and otherwise.Juliana also practices Energy Healing, using a blend of Reiki and shamanic methods. She helps facilitate powerful breakthroughs by clearing blockages around physical, spiritual, relationship, and emotional difficulties. A longtime student of Tibetan Buddhism, she's an avid meditator and spiritual practitioner..

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