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Cardin: 'We Need to Accelerate' Getting Off Fossil Fuels Because Oil Price Is Manipulated by Other Countries

On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Alex Witt Reports,” Sen.

Cardin: 'We Need to Accelerate' Getting Off Fossil Fuels Because Oil Price Is Manipulated by Other Countries

Ben Cardin (D-MD) argued that changes in the price of gas are one reason why “we have to accelerate our program to get off of fossil fuels” and control of the oil supply by other countries is “another reason why we need to accelerate our efforts to get off of fossil fuels.” Cardin said, “The challenge, of course, is we have to transition off of the fossil fuels to renewable fuels. We need to do that for our economy. We need to do it for our environment. We need to do it for our national security and not to have these variants in the price of gasoline at the pump. So, for all of those reasons, we have to accelerate our program to get off of fossil fuels. And that leads us to what the Senate’s going to be taking up when we come back, the balanced budget, the build back better budget that is — very much contains a commitment to the climate agenda.” He added, “Well, the price of gasoline, the price of oil is very much dependent upon the global supply, and that’s manipulated for price by countries that don’t always have the same values that we have. So, that’s another reason why we need to accelerate our efforts to get off of fossil fuels. Now, in the United States, we have a pretty decent supply, but the bottom line is that the global market is very much manipulated by the oil-producing states.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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