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Carney on 'Kudlow': Powell’s ‘Finest Moment’ Was Saying No to the Climate Change Crowd, Dems Will Attack Him for It

Carney on 'Kudlow': Powell’s ‘Finest Moment’ Was Saying No to the Climate Change Crowd, Dems Will Attack Him for It

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney praised Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell for declaring the Federal Reserve will not try to engage in climate policy and noted that it was particularly bold to do so in Europe. Carney also predicted that Powell will be attacked by Democrats the next time he appears before Congress for taking this position. Carney said, [relevant remarks begin around 3:10] “I actually think it was daring for him to do it in Europe, because as popular among the American left as the idea that the Fed should somehow mitigate climate change — which they have no business’s even more popular in Europe.

They love this idea over in Europe of having the central bank control the economy and force...banks not to fund any fossil fuels, force them to fund green energy projects. Powell, very — I think very boldly — this is...his finest moment.” He added, “I can’t wait until the next hearing when Powell goes up on Capitol Hill, because he has given the left — they’re going to come at him over unemployment, because he’s obviously seeking to raise unemployment. And this one, they’re really going to come after him.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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