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Cassidy: Going After Gas Stoves Is 'Backdoor Way to Go After Natural Gas'

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” Sen.

Cassidy: Going After Gas Stoves Is 'Backdoor Way to Go After Natural Gas'

Bill Cassidy (R-LA) stated that restrictions on gas stoves are “really a backdoor way to go after natural gas” even though natural gas has actually helped cut emissions and lambasted the priorities of the Biden administration by stating that they “can’t control the border, they can’t take care of the airplanes, but by golly, they’re going to go after fossil fuel.” Cassidy said, “[T]his is really a backdoor way to go after natural gas. ... This is their kind of, what can we do to inhibit the role of natural gas in our economy? Even though, because, we in the United States have used natural gas instead of coal, we’ve actually decreased our emissions down to less than the emissions we had in 2005, despite a bigger economy, more people, and more manufacturing. This administration can’t control the border, they can’t take care of the airplanes, but by golly, they’re going to go after fossil fuel. And I think that’s the way you have to approach this. And it’s going to damage the rest of the economy, but I’m not sure they care.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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