Celine Dion Launches ‘Illuminati-esque’ Gender Neutral Clothing Line
Celine Dion teams up with Nununu to create a clothing line called Celinununu that produces gender neutral clothing for children.

Does this clothing line feel creepy to you? Whether it be the call for a 'New Order' or even the looks of the children in the images? Are we truly even our physical identity and appearance? Should we not be exploring the deeper parts of ourselves? I was perusing through my Facebook newsfeed and came across what I initially thought was pretty crazy. Images of kids wearing odd-looking clothing with occult symbols and the words ‘NEW ORDER’ written across the chest. I thought it was some joke someone had put together to play on how there has been a long-standing goal of the elite/cabal to create a ‘new world order’ and what better way to start than babies and kids. It all is shown in a new commercial where Celine Dion is breaking into a hospital baby ward to help bring her new clothing line to babies.
The company Celinununu states in its mission: CELINUNUNU unites two forces by one voice: fashion has the power to shape people’s minds. Inspire your children to be free and find their own individuality through clothes.
The commercial for the product line is interesting on its own. She plays the ‘saviour’ of these babies, against police who are trying to stop her from telling these babies it’s OK to not select a gender. After she sneaks in, gets to the baby ward, she blows a magical dust onto the children, suddenly turning them all into gender-neutral babies wearing her clothing line. In cabal/occult terms, one might look at this as casting a spell on the children, something that fits deeply into the constant confusion the cabal is trying to cast on humanity. One of the long-discussed plans of the elite/cabal has been to create a New World Order. Part of that order involves bringing everyone under one religion, one government, one military, and stopping things like procreation etc so as to have to control fewer people. This is why it’s so odd that the focus of this clothing line seems to push towards ‘New Order’ while talking about a highly controversial issue. Have a look at the images below for a deeper look into this line. Baby in ‘New order’ onesy. If a male made this line, would people be losing their minds over that word? New order? Baby New Order with Skulls? Probably the least odd one, but still odd. Here is the commercial. Another way to look at some of what is being said here is to look at the words “inspire your children to be free and find their own individuality through clothes.” While this is an interesting concept, are we not telling them that their individuality is to identify as gender neutral? Or to wear these clothes so you don’t fall into one box or another? Does this not defeat the purpose of allowing a child to choose? I’ve always brought this up because it reminds me of people who follow a trend like wearing Uggz and then saying ‘I’m expressing my individuality through fashion” yet they are wearing the trendiest boot on the market. Is that individuality? Or capitalizing on a trend? Then we can look at the occult aspect of this whole thing and the tie to the New World Order. Maybe they do stuff like this on purpose. Choose branding and designs that are so obviously occult that it will get people talking about it. Free publicity! She could later change the designs to something a lot less cabal/occult-ish, but then again, for the cabal, exposing their religion on the masses, and making it cool and acceptable has been their belief and goal all along. So it actually makes much more sense that they would be doing it in this fashion. Using people in the industry they create and control to push their religion is not a new idea either. Below is an image of just a few examples. You can even see Celine Dion in the bottom right corner. Again, you have to look at this in the exact same way Christians wear crucifixes. This isn’t about some outlandish conspiracy, this is about a religion to them, and symbolism is very important to their beliefs. Many inside whistleblowers have corroborated this fact. Firstly, I do feel that man or woman, you are not defined by your sex or gender identity, and therefore I feel you should not have to be or do certain things simply because society has always stated that’s how men or women should be. Do women have to wear makeup every day? Do men have to do labor jobs? Do women have to play with Barbies while men play with GI Joe’s? No. If people allow themselves to pay attention to who they truly are, we will do what we feel most guided to do outside of expectation and so forth. But we also must be open as a society to not assume it’s bad to give a boy a GI Joe and a girl a Barbie. People are doing what is classic in the modern human condition: we’re acting from extremes. When we view one side of the polarity, we tend to push to the other side and call it neutrality. A human is either male or female from a physical perspective, sure sometimes people have both parts and those are different cases. Beyond that, I understand people can sometimes feel that they are in the ‘wrong’ body per se, I personally do not know all of the reasons why this might be the case. I do feel it’s possible some people legitimately feel that way naturally, but I also feel many people who feel that way do for psychological reasons, in the same way many of us struggle with psychological challenges. It’s simply about how it shows up. Before anyone loses it over that statement, I repeat, “I personally do not know all of the reasons why this might be the case. I do think it’s possible some people legitimately feel that way naturally.” I feel that when looking at children, why is it OK to push schooling, religion and those sorts of ideas down their throats, yet we’re worried about buying someone the wrong toy or piece of clothing because it may harm their identity and individuality? Are we even our physical identity? You have the freedom to do whatever you wish.
The problem is, people are confused, so they are trying to work through that confusion by blaming everyone else for why they are confused. Hence you have people getting upset about what pronoun a stranger addresses them by. Does a child know how they want to dress and be when they are young? Whether they want to change their sex from a man to a woman or vice versa? What age do they figure that out? How much of the time is this a result of parents unconsciously forcing their new beliefs on their children? In classic modern human consciousness, we are looking at all the things we are not, and trying to find ourselves. Our individuality comes from knowing ourselves beyond our mind and ego, and instead recognizes the unique energy, gifts, and intentions we come here to express. In my view, knowing that would produce a much healthier society versus one where we’re focused entirely on material and physical means. That isn’t who we are. I do feel that in many of the extremes we are seeing today, we recognize where we operate from on a regular basis, and this allows us to see ourselves VERY clearly. By seeing so heavily how we identify with the physical, we can ask questions about what we are beyond the physical. This will allow us to dive more deeply in exploring who we truly are and ultimately this will pull immense power away from material and physical identifications and will instead awaken ourselves to an infinite love and confidence that already exists within ourselves. While it’s easy to simply say this is all crazy stuff leading towards the end of society as we know it, it can also be a giant mirror that shows us what we are not.
The next step is simply letting go of those old ideas.
Read the full article at the original website