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Check Out Adidas’ 3-D Printed Sneakers Made From Plastic Trash From The Ocean

Check Out Adidas’ 3-D Printed Sneakers Made From Plastic Trash From The Ocean

Adidas has teamed up with Parley for the Oceans, an organization dedicated to reducing plastic waste, to create a 3-D printed shoe that is, amazingly, manufactured using recycled plastic waste collected from the ocean. For now, this ingenious invention is just a prototype, but that doesn’t mean it won’t soon be a reality for the eco-minded consumer.

The goal Adidas had in mind while producing this shoe was to demonstrate how the industry is able to “rethink design and help stop ocean pollution,” according to the company.

The prototype has an upper made from ocean plastic debris, and also a 3D printed midsole made from polyester and gillnets, a fishing net that is commonly found in the ocean. This is such a brilliant idea! This could be one way we can use some of the plastic that is cleaned up from the ocean this year using 20-year-old Boyan Slat’s recent invention that is estimated to clean up 7,250,000 tonnes of plastic over a period of 5 years. This company has also taken a pledge to reduce overall plastic pollution in their stores; they will be phasing out the use of plastic bags entirely in all of their retail stores, hopefully by the end of the first quarter of this year, 2016. In reference to COP21, Eric Liedtke, Adidas Group Executive Board Member, said: “World leaders forging an agreement is wonderful, but we shouldn’t need to be told to do the right thing.

The industry can’t afford to wait for directions any longer. Together with the network of Parley for the Oceans, we have started taking action and creating new sustainable materials and innovations for athletes.

The 3D-printed ocean plastic shoe midsole stands for how we can set new industry standards if we start questioning the reason of what we create. We want to bring everyone from the industry to the table and create sustainable solutions for big global problems.” As a founding member, Adidas supports Parley for the Oceans in its education and communication efforts and their comprehensive Ocean Plastic Program that intends to completely end ocean plastic pollution. “2015 is our year, the year of the Oceans: the ocean movement successfully brought the cause onto the COP21 agenda in Paris,” said Cyrill Gutsch, founder of Parley for the Oceans. “Protecting life underwater became the 14th development goal of the United Nations. With a framework of political goodwill in place, it is the right moment to transform words into action.

Therefore, Parley in Paris is all about updating knowledge, sharing visions, fine-tuning strategies, creating concepts and forging collaborations in order to kick start change. We are really excited to have Adidas supporting us in this journey and showing how you can take concrete steps in the right direction.” Way to go, Adidas! Much Love .

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