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Check Out The Floating Pyramid City That Makes 100% Of Its Food, Water And Electricity

I’ve got to admit, every once in a while, I get tired from the life in a big city.

Check Out The Floating Pyramid City That Makes 100% Of Its Food, Water And Electricity

Modern ways of life have twisted the fabrics of our society to a point where people live by the clock without consideration, by the routine. We live in a monotony, where every day is similar to the previous one and a strictly embedded pattern in our society unconsciously dictates how our lives unfold. Society, our communities, and life, in general, has drastically changed, and we have become hugely dependent on things that did not matter previously. So if you have become tired of Suburbia, you may have a pretty awesome alternative: applying to live on the ocean, in a community made of self-sufficient, solar powered, Pyramid-shaped buildings. Need I say more? The Waya Adobes were designed by Pierpaolo Lazzarini a man who managed to blend the past and the future, inspired by ancient Mayan and Japanese architecture. His pyramid-shaped buildings come in a variety of designs and sizes and are specifically built to serve different purposes. According to New Atlas some exist as floating homes, whereas others function as greenhouses, hotels, and cinemas.

The largest of the structures was designed to be around 30 meters tall, above the water line. According to Lazzarini, the Pyramid-shaped Waya modules are to be built of fiberglass, carbon fiber as well as steel.

The buildings are to be installed on massive floating platforms, containing basements locate beneath the water, suitable for bedrooms or living rooms. As the floating Pyramid-shaped city aims to be fully autonomous and self-sustaining, the Waya modules will have solar-powered motors that will propel the structures.

The Pyramid-city would also have a small marina where the inhabitants could accommodate their boats and other water vehicles. Lazzarini envisioned how each Waya module would obtain electricity from solar panels and water turbines. Sounds interesting right? However, the city, Wayaland, is still in concept stage, and Lazzarini is currently raising funds to begin the construction of the pyramid-shaped floating city with a crowdfunding campaign.

The Smallest Waya module would cost around $422,000 USD.

The modules would also be available for rent, with a cost of around $1,200 USD per night. All of those who purchase a Waya module will participate in the community giving them rights like voting for where the Pyramid-shaped city would be located, based on a pre-selected list of optimal locations. Lazzarini plans the inauguration of Wayaland to take place in 2022. So, if you have a bit of cash to space, like Pyramids–floating pyramids–and want to live in a fully autonomous and self-sustaining city, hop over to Lazzarini’s website and found more about this revolutionary project. Source: Inhabitat -This floating pyramid city generates 100% of its own food, water, and electric.

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