Christmas Presents for Everyone

Vernon Coleman is taking a three-week break after working pretty well solidly for many years now. He hopes to be putting up fresh articles on his website from Monday 8 January 2024.
“We’d both like to take the opportunity to thank all our readers for their support, and a special big thanks to those who have bought books and/or written lovely reviews. You have (literally) helped keep us alive,” he said.
“We hope you all have a peaceful and healthy holiday period over Christmas and that your holiday is either restful or exhausting according to your wishes.”
He didn’t take off for his Christmas break without leaving gifts for everyone.
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As a small Christmas gift I’m making the eBook versions of two of my books available FREE over Christmas.
First, the kindle eBook version of my novel `Dr Bullock’s Annals’ will be available free of charge to all readers from 23rd December to 27th December. Just go to your local Amazon between those dates, type in ‘Dr Bullock’s Annals’ by Vernon Coleman and you should be able to download the Kindle version free of charge. If the download doesn’t work, please don’t blame me. As you can probably imagine, things do happen outside my control. ‘Dr Bullock’s Annals’ is subtitled ‘A Revealing and Sometimes Shocking Account of a Year in the Life of a Young Victorian Doctor’. The book is meticulously researched and absolutely accurate. Everything that happens in the book could have happened. Please be warned: Because it is historically accurate, ‘Dr Bullock’s Annals’ is not very politically correct. In fact, it is undeniably politically incorrect. But I hope it makes you smile and, at the very least, make you grateful that you do not live in Victorian times.
Second, the Kindle eBook version of my book ‘Memories 1’ will be available free of charge to all readers from 23rd December to 27th December. Just go to your local Amazon between those dates, type in Vernon Coleman and `Memories 1’ and you should be able to download the Kindle version free of charge. Again, please don’t blame me if the download doesn’t work. ‘Memories 1’ is the first volume of my autobiography and it is a mixture of recollections, anecdotes, confessions, personal impressions, experiences, feelings and regrets.
You can download either or both of these books. If you enjoy them, please leave a review. If you don’t enjoy them, please forget you ever read them.
(Both books are also available as paperbacks but I’m afraid you’ll have to pay for those.)
P.S. And as a special Christmas offer, the publishers of the audio versions of my ‘Young Country Doctor’ books are offering 75% off the cost of the audio of Bilbury Chronicles, `The Young Country Doctor Book 1’, which tells the story of a young doctor starting work in a small practice in the Devon countryside in England. The audiobook (read by Rory Barnett) contains the whole of the printed book and the audio is 8 hours and 25 minutes long. The offer is available until 5th January 2024. Just click on the link below to find out more about the book and the offer.
For Bilbury Audio offer CLICK HERE Copyright Vernon Coleman December 2023
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Read the full article at the original website