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Climate alarmists score an own goal: Bovaer’s major route of excretion is CO2

Climate alarmists score an own goal: Bovaer’s major route of excretion is CO2

The drug Bovaer which is described as a feed additive for dairy cows to “reduce emissions” has been disclosed as consisting of three ingredients: silicon dioxide, propylene glycol and 3-nitrooxypropanol (“3-NOP”).

Writing for UK Column, Dr. Mike Williams takes a brief look at the studies done on 3-NOP to establish if it is “safe and effective.”

The European Food Safety Authority’s (“EFSA’s”) Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (“FEEDAP”) concludes that the genotoxicity potential of 3-NOP cannot be ruled out, indicating a potential to cause cancer, he writes.  3-NOP’s impact on humans is unknown as it remains untested.

3-NOP was found to induce chromosome damage and gene mutations and an increase in benign gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumours in studies on female rats.  Adverse effects on fertility and reproduction were also seen in rats, including severe reduction of spermatogenesis in males and failure to become pregnant in females at high doses.

Although studies show that 3-NOP does not transmit in dosed animals’ milk, the breakdown product of 3-NOP, 3-nitrooxypropionic acid (“NOPA”), was detected in cow’s plasma and milk, and is assumed to be responsible for testicular toxicity.

In a twist which shows climate alarmists’ plans to be self-defeating, the use of 3-NOP in cows also results in increased hydrogen emissions and the major route of excretion is as carbon dioxide (CO2).

Is Bovaer Safe and Effective?

By Dr. Mike Williams, a medical consultant operating in private practice, as published by UK Column on 5 December 2024.

We live in a time when people perceive many threats; not least the ongoing attacks on farming: meat and dairy production. And the latest, in the form of feed for dairy cows, by a product called Bovaer.

Food, of course, is vital, and it is no surprise therefore when people perceive a threat to their food, they get angry, and boycotts start.

Bovaer is added to cow’s feed in order to reduce methane production and protect against “Climate Change.”

Notwithstanding the lack of credible evidence beyond modelling and failed predictions a la “Climate Change,”even if one were to believe in it, does this product make sense, and is it safe to add to our food supply?

First of All, What is Bovaer?

Bovaer is a product added to cow’s feed consisting of silicon dioxide, propylene glycol and organic compound 3-nitrooxypropanol (known as 3-NOP). In the EU it’s deemed a feed additive, but in the US, it’s classed as a drug:

However, the FDA feels that the normal requirements and testing for a drug need not apply:

But they do add:

How reassuring.

They also offer this warning:

In rat studies, 3-NOP was found widely distributed:

Is there any risk of harm?


3 NOP was also tested for its ability to induce chromosome damage in Hamster cells: “3-NOP can induce chromosome damage through a clastogenic mechanism of action.”

Other evidence:

The authors stated that for 3-NOP: “Based on the above, the FEEDAP Panel concludes that the genotoxicity potential of 3-NOP cannot be ruled out.”

For those that aren’t aware, that means a potential to cause cancer.

What About Tumours?

What About Fertility and Reproduction?

Study on female rats with 3-NOP:  “All females at 500 mg/kg bw [body weight] showed evidence of mating but none of the females became pregnant, and no corpora lutea or implantation sites were found in any of these females.”

For male rats:

Testicular toxicity was assumed to be due to the breakdown product of 3-NOP called NOPA because of how fast the metabolite is formed from 3-NOP.

But what of its effect on humans? We do not know – Untested.


What Else Did They Notice As They Tried Out Different Dose Levels of 3-NOP With Mice:

With dogs:

Please note that they also detected breakdown products that they couldn’t identify in a rat study:  “[A] mixture of putative metabolites was present, being not possible to elucidate their structure due to the complexity of the matrix.”

Some Important Points About The Climate

Cows treated with 3-NOP produce higher hydrogen emissions:  “3-Nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) is effective at reducing ruminal methane emissions in ruminants. But it also causes a drastic increase in hydrogen accumulation, resulting in feed energy waste.”

Also, the major route out of the body for 3-NOP is as CO2 (70%):  “An extensive metabolism of 3-NOP was consistently verified, mainly to 14CO2 (about 70% of the dose).”

Forgive me for stating the obvious, but for people worried about “Climate Change,” aren’t those supposed to be bad for the “Climate”?

Is 3-NOP Found In Milk and What About NOPA?

3-NOP was detected from one animal (cow) in the urine, and the 3-NOP breakdown product NOPA was detected in the cow’s plasma. And a milk study did reveal concentrations of NOPA in milk, at only 80% of the proposed use level of Bovaer.

Therefore, the statements that 3-NOP is not detected in milk is true (given their safety limits) but the metabolite NOPA is found in milk. And if you remember, testicular toxicity was assumed to be due to the breakdown product of 3-NOP called NOPA, because of how fast the metabolite is formed from 3-NOP.

One Other Concern

3-NOP breaks down mainly into NOPA, and NOPA is almost identical, bar one oxygen to 3-nitropropionic acid (“NPA”). NOPA is passed into cow’s milk. Please see below.

I’m not suggesting this is going to happen but what if NOPA, a metabolite of a drug 3-NOP, entered the milk supply and lost that oxygen, would that be a potential problem?

From a pioneer study on human 3-nitropropionic acid intoxication; contributions from metabolomics Skogvold et al:

In Conclusion

We may argue that some of the negative effects may not happen because they are dose-dependent but we simply don’t know what that effect will be in the long term on humans.

Even at doses approaching normal usage of Bovaer, animal studies demonstrated risk, including a potential to cause cancer with tumour formation. And let’s not forget the FDA’s warning of harm to fertility.

And if serious harm is caused down the line from this product, how will we know without long-term studies? How would someone know if the cancer they got came from some milk they drank?

I’ll end with a reply from one of the main UK food retailers:

Long-term, robust studies? Please. I think I’m getting Covid jab déjà vu.

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