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Consumers' Research Targets American Express, Levi's in Latest Attack Against 'Woke' Capital

Consumers’ Research launched the latest in its multi-million dollar ad campaign targeting American Express and Levi’s for advancing woke politics over their customers.

Consumers' Research Targets American Express, Levi's in Latest Attack Against 'Woke' Capital

Consumers’ Research, the consumers’ advocacy organization, launched the latest in its Consumers First Initiative, highlighting American Express and Levi’s capitulation to the woke left.

The group has noted, despite having fiduciary responsibilities to their shareholders, that they cater to leftist ideals than aid their consumers. The latest campaign serves as part of a six-figure ad buy focused on how Levi’s has pushed progressive politics, attacked voter integrity laws while furloughing thousands of workers to reward their rich shareholders: Consumers Research also launched, highlighting Levi’s woke politics. The group emphasized how Levi’s has been historically associated with American pride and freedom, but under CEO Chip Bergh, the once-iconic brand is watered down by embracing leftist ideals.

The consumer advocacy group also launched “UnAmerican Express,” an ad that highlighted how the financial giant was fined $112 million for unlawful fees and sales tactics, how American Express engages in “reverse discrimination” against white people and teaches its employees critical race theory (CRT). Will Hild, the executive director of Consumers’ Research, said in a statement on Thursday: Levi’s and American Express have betrayed their customers.

Their products were once synonymous with American freedom and prestige in the world, but now their CEOs have turned the companies into oppressive gulags of groupthink and anti-white racism. If American Express employees carried out the ideas suggested to them by the company, to treat customers differently based on race, they would violate a myriad of federal civil rights law and financial regulations against discrimination. As both of these companies near their annual shareholder meetings, Consumers’ Research is calling out their disgraceful conduct and reminding them of their fiduciary duty to their shareholders and their moral duty to their customers, regardless of race. Breitbart News reported about Consumers’ Research’s previous ad campaign targeting BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s climate activism and its cozy ties to the Chinese government. Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

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