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Couple Builds A Stunning Tiny Home & Escapes City Life (Video)

One of the recent episodes on "Living Big In A Tiny House" featured a former full time writer here at Collective Evolution, Jeff Roberts, and his partner Derek.

Couple Builds A Stunning Tiny Home & Escapes City Life (Video)

The tiny home trend has and is increasing in popularity, why do you think people are finding that it increases their quality of life? Tiny Homes have been a growing trend for a number of years for multiple reasons. It’s definitely more affordable to buy or to build a tiny home compared to living in a modern day home. It’s also much more environmentally friendly, and perhaps the best part is that it’s mobile. It must really make those who live in one realize that a full sized home and all of the troubles that can come with it are unnecessary, and that living in a tiny home doesn’t decrease the enjoyment of your home and instead, probably increases it. Perhaps the best part about living in a tiny home is that they are mobile, you are not ‘stuck’ in one spot and can relocate with low cost and ease when ever you choose to do so compared to a regular home and going through the process of finding a new one. Obviously, there are many examples of tiny homes floating around out there, but the story about the one below is special because one of the gentleman you see in the video below, Jeff Roberts, is a former full time writer here at Collective Evolution and a friend, he still contributes every now and then with regards to providing us with content. If you’re interested, you can read his articles here. For Jeff and his partner Derek, the tiny house build started out as a fun design project with the idea of parking the house in the driveway of their Victoria, BC home and renting it out as an Air BnB. Eventually, they fell in love with it and decided to move in and rent out their larger home instead.

The feature was done by “Living Big In A Tiny House.” You can access their Youtube channel here to see some more examples of people living in tiny homes We plan to investigate the telecom industry, it’s ties to politics, and expose its efforts to push 5G while ignoring the dangers and without proper safety testing, but we can't do it without your support. We've launched a funding campaign to fuel our efforts on this matter as we are confident we can make a difference and have a strong plan to get it done. Check out our plan and join our camp.

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