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Covid injections are discontinued in Iceland

Covid injections are discontinued in Iceland

In early October, a conference titled ‘Let the Science Speak ‘ was held in Reykjavik, Iceland.  Speakers at the conference talked about covid injection harms and the World Health Organisation’s power grab. Sasha Latypova was one of the six speakers at the event.  You watch a video of the event HERE.

Six weeks later, the organisers of the conference informed Latypova that the Icelandic government announced that from next week covid injections would no longer be available in Iceland.

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“There were 200+ people in a packed conference room [in Iceland], and 300+ more on live stream … This was a large attendance for a live event in Iceland on a topic that is heavily censored … Even the state media showed up briefly (probably to film everyone who attended for future surveillance). No matter. Everyone knows everyone else in a tiny country, and we were told the top officials are now extremely nervous,” Latypova said when writing about the event a couple of weeks later.

“It appears that as a direct result of this public event, the organisers now have scheduled a follow-up meeting with the Icelandic Ministry of Health,” she added.

Yesterday, Latypova was informed by the organisers of the conference in Iceland that an announcement appeared in the Icelandic daily paper Morgunbladid on 17 November. The article ends: “Next week, the public will be able to get an influenza vaccination at the health centre, but not covid vaccination at the moment.”

The following is a translation of the Morgunbladid article with comments added by Latypova.

Icelandic Government Quietly (Very Quietly) Removes Covid Vaccines. For now.

By Sasha Latypova

Translation of Morgunbladid article with [comments added]:

Wait, what?

Local journalist who made some phone calls informs me that nobody can explain why covid injections are not offered. It’s like government is mumble … mumble … mumble …

But … if you really really insist, you can get the jab in one pharmacy in the whole country …

But … you need to bring 4 friends with you as they don’t want to waste 5 injections per vial.

OK then!

I declare that we won in Iceland, until proven otherwise.

The victory comes after the massive damage that have been inflicted by poisoning 80% of the population:

This graph perfectly describes that there was never a pandemic in Iceland and all excess mortality happened after injectable poison was shipped and deployed.

The Monster is not going to admit they lost. They will sweep it under the rug, making tiny obscure announcements that they hope nobody would notice, like they are doing it in Iceland, and elsewhere – for example from Australia.

They will pretend that brave public health agents battled the plague and botched some sh*t, but it was the best these dolts could do. They will pretend a “listening session” on how to prevent future pandemics – that have always been faked, see HERE and HERE.

They will absolutely under no circumstances admit that the current laws in the US and EU enable mass genocide of people by the government completely legally, as long as they call the bio-chemical poison that is being forced on everyone an “EUA countermeasure under Public Health Emergency”.

That’s why they want you to believe in pandemics, or at least outbreaks, and especially the fairytale that engineered viruses posing real danger to millions if not billions of people can be easily made by students in garages with components bought on Amazon.

But you are not allowed to call the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) Virus Research Centre (“VRC”) out on the fact that they made a biological poison and called it a “vaccine” because CDC VRC scientists are both good and stupid – they would never see how this is possible … I am doing this again, I must stop with this hate and hyperbole already.

About the Author

Sasha Latypova is a former pharmaceutical industry executive and entrepreneur. Her research has exposed how all covid countermeasures, including the biological warfare agents marketed as “covid-19 vaccines” were created, produced and distributed in a covert military program, where the pharma manufacturers only worked as subcontractors.

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