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Creating A Life You Love & Finding The Love Of Your LIfe

Creating A Life You Love & Finding The Love Of Your LIfe

Have you lost hope in finding love? Did your parents get divorced, fight all the time, and/or never teach you how to love well? Do you keep going for the wrong guy? Are you successful and thriving in business but ignoring your heart’s desire for a relationship? Do you still carry the programming from the past – of unhealthy connection and disconnection? My friend Natalie Lamb, relationships expert, posed this question to singles on Facebook: “What’s blocking you from love?” The answers she got had me in tears. I realized so many people had lost hope.

They didn’t believe they could find a great relationship! They lived in fear and in pain, with no idea how to clear that negativity and move on. So I reached out to Julie – there is no one who has a story like hers! She went from a broken family and dysfunctional relationships to finding a glorious love that is BETTER than she ever could have imagined. I asked her to share her story so others could hear how she turned her life around – from bankruptcy and worthlessness to adventure and love. Listen to Julie’s inspiring story. If you’ve reached the point where you know you want love and want support in creating it – send me an email and we can find a time to have a quick chat. I’m about to start running the course, “Living a Life you Love, Loving Yourself, and Finding the Love of Your Life,” which I mention in the video. Let’s see if it’s right for you: natalie(at) About Natalie Lamb Natalie Lamb is passionate about healing the past, and gifting people the experience of Love. She has a degree in Psychology, and a Masters in Integral Theory. She’s trained as a relationship coach for singles to learn how to love and couples how to thrive in love. She’s a Family Focused Attachment Therapist who helps those who’ve been treated like they don’t matter, abused, abandoned, or had alcoholic parents. She believes that when we learn to love ourselves and others beautifully our lives function in all areas: health, wealth, purpose, intimacy, and happiness. .

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