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Creationism Vs. Evolution: A Spiritual Perspective On The Debate That Will Really Make You Think

In this article, I offer a different take on the creation or evolution debate, unpacking how both can fit in according to spiritual principles..

Creationism Vs. Evolution: A Spiritual Perspective On The Debate That Will Really Make You Think

The creation vs. evolution debate has been going forever, and with good reason: A definitive answer to the question would presuppose the answers to where we come from and what life on Earth means. It would answer a lot of questions. In a word, the answer is creation. Earth was created.... but not quite in the way that you think. Have you ever had one of those dreams that was so real that it actually took you a few minutes or hours to regain your equilibrium and figure out which reality you are in again? Most commonly, society speaks of those dreams in which your partner does something that feels so real that you are mad at them in real life. In its simplest essence, life is like that dream. It’s like entering The Matrix — your consciousness is ‘plugged in’ to this ’reality’ when you enter it, but at the same time, you bring your part of this reality with you, because this is a completely individuated and separated existence. In fact, that individuation is the whole point of life on Earth. So the reality starts from you the moment you enter it, and it will disappear the moment you leave it, or die. You will take your part that you created with you — this is the sense of loss we feel when someone dies.

They are literally removing a part of our energetic reality, or the morphic field. It’s also that fullness we feel with a birth – the new life literally adds another layer to the energetic tapestry of our world. An interesting way to start unpacking this for yourself is to consider: How do you know that what you are seeing or hearing is the same thing as what others are seeing and experiencing? You assume that people see the same ‘thing’ that you do in front of you, but the truth is that we learn a system of codification when we enter the world. Someone points to that spot at the end of their face and says the word ‘nose.’ So our brain stores or encodes (codifies) the element we are seeing and correlates it to the word (sound projection) of ‘nose.’ But you actually have no way of looking out through that person’s eyes or with that person’s brain to see what they are actually seeing. You’ve simply agreed, through the codification of language, that that element is a nose, and you use that ‘abbreviation’ (word) when you attempt to communicate or ‘share’ your experience. Even when they ‘see’ a ‘photo,’ which must be proof that you are ‘seeing’ the same thing, the person is only aligning their internal codification to the picture they are seeing, and agreeing based on that former knowledge. You still cannot experience WHAT exactly they are seeing.

There is no place where Earth exists as a physical entity as such — there is simply this collection of combined energies that make up the morphic or holographic field. So when we say plugged in, it’s a lot more Matrix-like, with your mind participating in the experience and a clever series of filters making it appear real to you. And even though you need to bring your part to experience this reality, it is only as a collective that we are strong enough to create the space-time illusion of reality that we call the physical plane. So if it was just you, you wouldn’t be able to create the whole shebang alone. So your thought experience is projected into this world, and the blank slate we enter with enables you to ‘accept’ what you experience as reality, because you learn it without contrast to any other experience... and you accept it as being ‘real.’ This is the first layer of the ‘system’ we speak of but can never quite define. Another interesting concept that will help you unpack this over time is the fact that sight is one dimensional information; this is why it allows for subliminal information to be used so effectively. When you‘re looking at something, it’s with a single point of focus. So if you go inside the house, for example, the wall will block your single point of sight from seeing your neighbor. But, if your neighbor shouts you will still hear it through the wall, because sound is a multidimensional experience. Sound traverses dimensions, and that is why we use sound such as drumming, singing, chanting, and prayer to reach across dimensions to the other side. Earth is a visual plane, and we learn by taking in enormous amounts of visual information in our lifetimes, so we come to accept what we ‘see’ as ‘real.’ In fact, some estimates say that over 70% of what we take in is visual. Over time, this programming becomes so ingrained that we accept it as our ‘reality’ — we ‘believe what we see.’. It’s like oxygen: We can’t remember a time when it wasn’t there.

The morphic field is like the Internet of all knowledge for Earth. Our souls, minds, and bodies can plug into this field of knowledge like a computer or device, uploading and downloading information from the field. A simple way that you can see the morphic field at play is when you and your friend both message each other at the same time or say the same thing at the same time. You both thought it because the energy was present in the field and you both received the message at the same time. It stemmed from the field. First discovered in the 60s and 70s, the morphic field became widely known because of kinesiology and through the pioneering work of Sir David Hawkins, who has conducted decades of research into the phenomenon and defined the Human Consciousness Scale. Everything about this Earth plane exists in this field: karma, society, rules, principles, morals, ethics, reality, nature, the natural order of things. Even life and death exist within the field. How do we know this? Because if you carried the essence of life within yourself you would never be able to die, and if you carried death, you would never be able to live. So the morphic field manages this for you. In fact the morphic field manages everything for you — your breathing, your heart beating, getting sick, getting healthy, your natural progression in physical and mental spheres, and so much more. It’s like our superconscious brain, or even our instinct. But it resides in one collective body instead of being personal to each of us. So what the process of consciousness is, therefore, is the process of taking control of certain aspects of your body, life, etc., so that you can CONSCIOUSLY control, manipulate, or change them, instead of allowing the morphic field to do it for you. Another key aspect that lives within this morphic or holographic field is karma, and karma is basically the residue of unresolved emotion that was left in the field by somebody when they died.

The reason there is some confusion about what happens after death is that it is driven by what you believe and the level of development you’re at. So according to those criteria, different souls will experience the after-death experience in various ways. In addition, a third criteria that determines what happens after death has to do with ego, or identity. At every layer of the spiritual evolution, you are less and less tied to your identity, e.g.: So with reincarnation, when you return from this life, this identity will disappear and you will adopt a new identity for your next life.

There’s much less attachment to the actual identity (ego) of this particular life. Everything that you do in the field, including live and die as above, stays within the field. And karma does, too. If you are still at an earlier stage of your overall journey, and you were somewhat still attached to particular identities in particular lifetimes, then when you reenter the field in a new life, your energy would actively seek out the residual energy or karma you left behind in previous lives. This is often why souls have a predilection for certain geographic areas, because geography plays an active role in the morphic field. One of the ways we see the morphic field’s geographic level of influence is through Critical Mass, or the Maharishi Effect, which has been measured as the square root of 1% of any given population, as shown in various experiments, including those performed by the FBI. What the experiments have shown is that one person impacts 100 around them, while two people impact 400, and three impact 900. Using this measure, we would need only 144,000 enlightened beings to facilitate the entire global shift. Read more about the Maharishi Effect here. But not everyone will find their karma, soulmate, or twin flame, or even get it right when they do, so there has to be a backup. That backup is empaths. When someone doesn’t release their karma from the field, that energy can linger — which is where the empath cleanup crew kicks in.

The role of the empath is to absorb energies similar to those they are personally experiencing and release them from the field — because the ‘humanity’, ‘mankind’, ‘society’ and ‘civilization’ we are here to fix and protect and heal is actually the morphic field. In the grand scheme of things, short individual human lives of a few years don’t really mean a huge amount, but the collective impact of humanity — or the morphic field — is where all the unresolved issues lie. That’s what needs to be returned to Source, because that’s what ties souls to this plane. So how does this all tie back to creation vs. evolution— and how do we explain dinosaurs and the fossil records and radio carbon dating and science? Let’s recap... your consciousness enters a collective thought projection (reality or the morphic field) in a way that enables you to accept the experience as a singular reality. But, you bring your part of that collective reality with you, which is how you have the individual power to create exactly what you want without interfering with the free will of the other beings. So the morphic or holographic field is therefore the places where all these separate and individuated realities mesh and join, and it largely consists of the places where these realities are in agreement, e.g. language. We agree on language and vocabulary, and so that agreed-upon system of codification becomes a part of our shared reality. Still, you are given the gifts of the Gods to create your reality according to your beliefs. This means that you can create anything you want if you can learn to consciously master the holographic field, or gain consciousness, in other words. So, if you become determined to find an answer that will explain a theory like evolution, then if you look hard enough you will find it — you will manifest the answer into your reality. This is how you have the gifts of the Gods to create your reality. We then perpetuate that ‘discovery of reality’ into the shared reality or morphic field, by telling others about this discovery and giving them language, jargon, or a codification for it. One of the clearest ways you see this is in our education system: Any degree is really an advanced study of the language and jargon of that field. By creating a shared understanding of certain terminology, you enable ‘experts’ in that field to discuss the subject at a much more advanced level — because you don’t waste time explaining key concepts every single time. So a simple example would be a bridge. If a builder had to create a new solution for crossing water on every project, then solving just that water problem could take up the entire project focus, and different solutions would be found each time: go around, tunnel under, build a raft, build a bridge. But because the planner has a shared concept for a bridge in place through his or her education, they can simply allocate a bridge to be built to cross the body of water, without wasting time devising a new solution. This is how we stand on the shoulders of giants by means of our educational system. So by giving us the same baseline in schooling, for example, the system creates a subconscious agreed-upon baseline for our shared reality. But the truth is that EVERYTHING you know about this world was taught to you, from so early on, and in such subtle ways, that you come to accept it as your reality. A great and simple example of this is the content in early schooling reading books.... see Spot run, see the house, see mom and dad. Look at the sky, the stars, the moon, the sun. We live on a ball hanging around in space that is millions of years old. Gravity exists. You were taught ALL of this — none of it was instinctual knowledge. In fact, most of it took you a while to grasp. That’s how they program you from a very young age. And most often they do it by hiding the information inside another layer — we’re learning the accepted structure of the family in society subliminally, while we consciously focus on learning to read. As someone who has walked my own long and difficult path, I know that I cannot impart onto you how I know this and what I’ve seen, but I can give you one piece of advice: Question what you already know. In order to really traverse onto the next level I have found myself having to wrap my head around the most conflicted duality concepts and suspend all disbelief.

The truth is WAY weirder than you can imagine, and there is very little in your earthly experience that can prepare you for it. So question everything you think you already know in preparation, because this is open mindedness on an entirely new level. .

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