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Dandelions: Uses, Traditions, and More

Springtime brings an abundance of flowers back to the soil.Amongst the lilacs and primroses, though, is an unassuming bud that many mistake to be a simple weed.

Dandelions: Uses, Traditions, and More

. Dandelions stand as a powerful symbol of faithfulness and love, and throughout centuries it has littered our gardens and parks with promises of a bright and floral springtime. Like all flowers, dandelions possess many symbolic qualities. Beyond the obvious meaning of transformation, as shown through a dandelion’s shift from full yellow petals to the feather-like puffballs they become, is an emphasis on intelligence, heat, and healing. Sending someone a dandelion bouquet shows you value their emotional intelligence. Harvesting dandelions and decorating your house with them may imply a wish to heal or be healed. Dandelion leaves and flowers are edible and healthy when prepared correctly, so this increases their symbolism by tenfold. Dandelions can preserve through anything. Thus, perseverance in the face of adversity is another part of the dandelion’s image. It gives inspiration to those witnessing it growing despite what may surround it. Like its namesake, the lion, a dandelion will rise every day and push through whatever life has to throw at it. Thus, it is a flower of great courage and renown.

There are many well-known traditions that feature dandelions. Among the most famous, of course, is the tradition of making wishes with dandelion puffs. No one knows exactly why people use dandelions for wishes, but nonetheless, the tradition persists. It could be a byproduct of another tradition that dictates that if you blow off all the seeds in one breath, your desired person truly loves you back. Plucking one petal after another while reciting the chant “he loves me, he loves me not” is a popular fate-based love tradition that continues to appear in television, stories, and real-life to this day. Most of these traditions are said to be from the Celts or French, though it is impossible to pinpoint an exact origin. In the end, though, origin doesn’t matter so long as a tradition persists, right? And for years to come, children will blow away the dandelions seeds and lovesick individuals will pluck away the yellow petals, hoping for a joyous outcome. When times are tough, people often turn to what is growing around them to sate the hunger urges or illnesses which may plague them.

The dandelion shines at the top of the forager’s food list as both an herb to help with a select few ailments and a delicious green to add to any dish.

The entire plant is edible. Your Weekly Dose Of Wellness Receive the latest savings, events, herbal education and 10% Off your first purchase. Dandelion root is used to make teas that help with digestive issues and bloating. Simply chop up the roots and steep them in boiling water for two to three minutes. Be careful not to over steep as the bitter flavor can become stronger the longer it is in the water. Sweeten with honey. Dandelion flowers can be eaten raw, but taste better fried or baked with a tempura batter or just a healthy pinch of salt. Adorn your desserts and salads with dandelion petals for a dash of color. Dandelion leaves can be added to salads or sauteed in oil with other veggies for a healthy meal Oils can be extracted from dandelions can aid skincare, inflammation, and digestive issues. Look into soaps and tinctures made with dandelion oils to experiment with their health benefits. Be sure to wash all harvested dandelions well. Leave them to soak for as long as you like to ensure no buggies come in with you. Certain Asian grocery stores or botanical shops can also carry dandelion roots and leaves. Frankie Kavakich is a published prose and poetry writer and a practicing witch whose love for the occult and horror permeates their everyday life. For eight years, they have studied a variety of practices including kitchen witchery, chaos magick, divination, manifestation, and brujería. Within their writing, Frankie features numerous topics ranging from ghosts and spirits to the importance of community and reliance on nature's bounty.

Their great grandmother Nilda was a healer from the rain forests of Puerto Rico, and Frankie is endlessly inspired by the gentle hands and kind hearts of their ancestors.

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