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Deciphering Glycosylation-Driven Prognostic Insights and therapeutic Prospects in Glioblastoma through a Comprehensive Regulatory Model

The oncogenesis and development of glioblastoma multiforme have been linked to glycosylation modifications, which are common post-translational protein modifications.

Deciphering Glycosylation-Driven Prognostic Insights and therapeutic Prospects in Glioblastoma through a Comprehensive Regulatory Model

Abnormal glycosyltransferase development leads to irregular glycosylation patterns, which hold clinical significance for GB prognosis. By utilizing both single-cell and bulk data, we developed a scoring system to assess glycosylation levels in GB. Moreover, a glycosylation-based signature was created to predict GB outcomes and therapy responsiveness.

The study led to the development of an glyco-model incorporating nine key genes. This risk assessment tool effectively stratified GB patients into two distinct groups. Extensive validation through ROC analysis, RMST, and Kaplan-Meier (KM) survival analysis emphasized the model's robust predictive capabilities. Additionally, a nomogram was constructed to predict survival rates at specific time intervals.

The research revealed substantial disparities in immune cell infiltration between low-risk and high-risk groups, characterized by differences in immune cell abundance and elevated immune scores. Notably, the glyco-model predicted diverse responses to immune checkpoint inhibitors and drug therapies, with high-risk groups exhibiting a preference for immune checkpoint inhibitors and demonstrated superior responses to drug treatments. Furthermore, the study identified two potential drug targets and utilized Connectivity Map analysis to pinpoint promising therapeutic agents. Clofarabine and YM155 were identified as potent candidates for the treatment of high-risk GB. Our well-crafted glyco-model effectively discriminates patients by calculating the risk score, accurately predicting GB outcomes, and significantly enhancing prognostic assessment while identifying novel immunotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic strategies for GB treatment.

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