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Dem Sen. Heinrich: 'We're Going to Solve Inflation with a Climate Bill' and 'Every Bill' Should Deal with Climate

On Wednesday’s broadcast of NBC’s “MTP Now,” Sen.

Dem Sen. Heinrich: 'We're Going to Solve Inflation with a Climate Bill' and 'Every Bill' Should Deal with Climate

Martin Heinrich (D-NM) argued that Democrats should say that “we’re going to solve inflation with a climate bill” and that in Congress, “we need to be doing climate all of the time now” and that “every bill we do, whether it’s an appropriations bill or whether it’s a policy bill,” should have climate provisions because “we’ve reached a point where our climate is truly at a tipping point. We’re losing this battle and losing control of the weather.” Heinrich stated, “[I]t really is our addiction to fossil fuels that is driving the out-of-control frustration and inflation that our constituents are feeling.” He added, “And honestly, I think that every bill we do, whether it’s an appropriations bill or whether it’s a policy bill, we need to be doing climate all of the time now. Because as you’ve seen from not only Texas, the southwest, Europe, we’ve reached a point where our climate is truly at a tipping point. We’re losing this battle and losing control of the weather. And we need to be acting with every single opportunity, whether that’s the administration, whether that’s Congress, whether that’s state and local leadership.” Heinrich further stated that “inflation is also a critical, critical issue. And we need to connect the dots and say, well, we’re going to solve inflation with a climate bill that is going to bring down the cost of energy for consumers and switch us over to cleaner, cheaper sources of energy.” And that “the solution to many of our inflationary issues really is some of the policies that are in that climate bill.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett .

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