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Don’t Despair: Why This Election Is Our Greatest Blessing

On one hand, you have people believing Trump winning is the death of America.On the other, you have people who think he might be America’s saviour.

Don’t Despair: Why This Election Is Our Greatest Blessing

. But the perspective you are about to see in the following video below goes beyond picking sides. It highlights what we have all forgotten while being entranced by this whole political circus. Without understanding this basic fact, long lasting change will be impossible. This message has been CE’s focus this entire election cycle. It’s easy to go about business as usual when you’ve got Obama singing songs of change and sweet-talking people to sleep. It’s easy to turn a blind eye when psychopathy is hidden behind a seemingly benevolent facade. But Trump? Trump is loud, obnoxious, narcissistic, and proud of being that way. So if that can help jolt us awake and fully own up to the fact that government never represented the people... maybe we can finally start taking responsibility for our lives and the world we desire to create. Losing hope in our “leaders” might be the trigger we need to restore faith in ourselves and each other. “We blame society, but we are society.” Read More .

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