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Dr. Jessica Rose: “We’re under attack, seriously, it’s bad”

“We’re under attack” and it’s time for us to start thinking about lawsuits and compensations Dr.

Dr. Jessica Rose: “We’re under attack, seriously, it’s bad”

Jessica Rose told the host of Pandemic Podcast Dan Astin-Gregory during a backstage discussion at the International Covid Summit.

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Dr. Jessica Rose has a Post Doctorate in both Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, a PhD in Computational Biology and a Masters in Immunology, as well as a BSc in Applied Mathematics.

Referring to microbiologist Kevin McKernan’s research of covid “vaccine” vial contents, Dr. Rose said: “By accident [McKernan] got some expired vials of the bivalent product and he sequenced them … as the ball started rolling he started finding more and more … he found plasmid contamination in the vials.  He eventually ended up testing the monovalent, the Pfizer, the Janssen and the Moderna [vaccines].”

McKernan has published several articles on his findings under the pseudonym Anandamide on a Substack page titled ‘Nepetalactone Newsletter’.  You can browse and read his articles HERE.  At times they are fairly technical so Dr. Rose has tried to help us understand in a series of articles she has published on Substack HERE.

mRNA for use in injections is supposed to be “pure mRNA,” Dr. Rose explained. There is a five-step manufacturing process to manufacture the mRNA which begins with a circular DNA that encodes the spike protein.  This circular DNA is called a plasmid or expression vector. The fifth step is the purification step.  It also happens to be the most expensive step.  “The bottom line is,” Dr. Rose said, “[the circular DNA] is not supposed to be in [the final product, the injections] … at some point in the process something was not done correctly … I think it’s 25-30% of the nucleotides [McKernan found in the vials] were from the [circular] DNA” which is way above acceptable safety levels.

Pfizer has released an expression vector map that shows the individual components of the circular DNA.  One of the components is called a promoter. “The promoter that they say is in the Pfizer expression vectors is the T7 … [but Pfizer] hasn’t said anything about using … SV40 or CMV [promoters] … And Kevin found those,” Dr. Rose said. “He not only found promoters, but he also found enhancers.”

But DNA contamination and SV40 in the covid injections are not the only problems.  The bacteria Escherichia coli, or E. coli for short, is used to replicate the DNA so there’s always the potential for lipopolysaccharide contamination. Lipopolysaccharides are bacterial toxins that can cause inflammation and health issues if they reach the bloodstream. “That can cause sepsis, toxic shock syndrome and anaphylaxis,” Dr. Rose explained.

Dr. Rose discussed the above with Dan Astin-Gregory backstage at the International Covid Summit III hosted at the European Parliament in Brussels from 2 to 4 May 2023.  You can watch their discussion below. 

Below is Dr. Rose’s presentation at the International Covid Summit III.  Dr. Rose’s deep dive into the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (“VAERS”) reports surrounding the adverse events profile of the covid injections has led her to make some remarkable discoveries in association with other doctors. Her presentation at the European Parliament briefly summarises those discoveries.

“There were more than enough safety signals in VAERS, even in January 2021 … Beyond a safety signal being detected … across all age groups … there were almost 700 deaths.  Once you surpass a certain number of deaths … it’s time to call the product off the market, to recall it,” she began.

You can find the slides for her presentation in her article: ‘My presentation to the Members of European Parliament’.

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