Dr. Rashid Buttar: There is something of a critical nature we all need to be aware of
“There is something of a critical nature that we all need to be aware of,” Dr.

Rashid Buttar warned a year ago.
In May 2022, Dr. Buttar made a video of what appeared to be coming down the line. “I’ve had multiple confirmations of this and this and actually heard a video and talked to one of the parties that had put that video out. And to say the least, it’s disturbing,” Dr. Buttar said.
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As well as the spike protein, most of us have heard about the numerous undisclosed and harmful ingredients: glyphosate, graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, nanotechnology and the many other things that have been found in the injections, but shouldn’t be in any “vaccines.”
In addition to all these, Dr. Buttar had suspicions that they were introducing something into the “vaccines” that will somehow trigger a detrimental effect at a time of their choosing – like sleeper cells within vaccinees’ bodies waiting for a trigger to wake them up. Dr. Buttar said he now, in May 2022, had confirmation of this “component” in the injections.
The component, Dr. Buttar explained, is a hydrogel containing a payload of three pathogens. The release of the payload will be activated by a sequence of three 16-18 GHz frequency bursts from 5G towers lasting for a minute. Dr. Buttar didn’t know which three pathogens were in the payload but he had heard that the Marburg virus was one of them. So, when the 5G towers send these signals, “everybody who’s had these vaccines and these boosters will have this Marburg virus released,” Dr. Buttar said.
Watch the video below to hear Dr. Buttar’s warning. The first 8 mins is a trailer for the documentary ‘Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening’, produced by the Plandemic Series, which premiers on 3 June 2023.
If you are unable to view the video on Rumble above, you can watch it on Bitchute HERE.
Dr. Rashid A. Buttar unexpectedly passed away at home on 18 May 2023. You can read his obituary on Children’s Health Defense HERE, a tribute on GreenMedInfo HERE, a tribute on Activist Post HERE and another tribute on Medico Topics HERE. Below is a moving tribute to Dr. Buttar from Ickonic. We join Ickonic in saying: Thank you Dr. Buttar, from all of us. We will never forget.
If the video is removed from YouTube you can watch it on David Icke’s website HERE.
People are posting Dr. Buttar’s ‘Millions will be affected’ video above and saying the information he shared is the reason he was murdered. His family announced that he had been “in perfect health” at the time. It is said that the official cause of his death was a heart attack. But the circumstances leading up to Dr. Buttar’s death are suspicious.
We don’t know whether Dr. Buttar was murdered, died from delayed complications from poisoning or whether his death was entirely unrelated. But it needs to be thoroughly investigated because, echoing Dr. Buttar’s words of over a year ago, there is something of a critical nature we all need to be aware of.
Dr. Bryan Ardis said that Dr. Buttar had told everybody for the past three months how well he had been feeling, having finally recovered from a major poisoning event. “So, it was a shock to us to find out that he had passed away in his home in the middle of the night … it’s very shocking to all of us,” Dr. Ardis said. In an attempt to establish the cause of Dr. Buttar’s death, Dr. Ardis is pursuing a toxicology report.
During an interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis less than two weeks before he died, Dr. Buttar said he had been poisoned twice. Once after the Barcelona World Health Forum and then again at a CNN interview in Dallas. “Both times I was intentionally poisoned,” Dr. Buttar said. He said he was poisoned with the same contents as found in the covid injections. “In Barcelona, I was told that it was 200 times more than what anybody gets in a vaccine.”
While attending the World Health Forum in Barcelona, Dr. Buttar was interviewed for The Big Reset Movie. You can watch his interview filmed for the documentary HERE and the full documentary which includes interviews with several doctors, scientists and other professionals HERE.
Dr. Buttar, designated a member of the “Disinformation Dozen” by the establishment, joined CNN reporter Drew Griffin in October 2021 to counter allegations he was spreading misinformation for claiming the experimental mRNA covid injections were more deadly than the disease itself. Below is CNN’s version of the interview.
During one compelling part of the interview, which CNN did not air but was taped on a hidden camera, Dr. Buttar was asked if he believed Griffin would soon die considering he’d taken the injections. “I think it’s probable,” Dr. Buttar told him.
Drew Griffin died on 17 December 2022 “after a long battle with cancer.”
CNN anchor asks Dr Buttar “I’m vaccinated. You think there is a ticking time bomb in me and I’m going to die?”
— Zach Vorhies / Google Whistleblower (@Perpetualmaniac) May 24, 2023
14 months later the CNN anchor dies.
You can’t make this up! Courtesy of @IvoryHecker pic.twitter.com/G8Uj6kQifZ
Last week, Dr. Ardis told Stew Peters that Dr. Buttar firmly believed he had been poisoned by something he had eaten or drunk, as provided to him in the CNN breakroom. It was immediately after the interview, Dr. Buttar began feeling sensations, trouble breathing and chest pains.
Below is a compilation of excerpts from a variety of interviews during which Dr. Buttar talked about what had happened to him. The excerpts have been taken from:
- The Dr. Ardis Show interview, 7 May 2023
- Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson interview, 17 May 2023
- Sayer Ji interview, 14 March 2023
If you are unable to view the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on Brighteon HERE.
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- https://www.bitchute.com/video/0RP2VdniaWG1/
- https://plandemicseries.com/
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/nyyCy7zhYLXC/
- https://www.centersforadvancedmedicine.com/
- https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rashid-buttar-medical-maverick/
- https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/loving-memory-dr-rashid-buttar-1966-2023a
- https://www.activistpost.com/2023/05/tributes-to-dr-rashid-buttar-in-memoriam.html
- https://medicotopics.com/rashid-buttar-british-born-american-conspiracy-theorist-died-at-57/
- https://www.ickonic.com/
- https://davidicke.com/2023/05/21/the-lone-wolf-a-tribute-to-dr-rashid-buttar-from-the-entire-ickonic-team/
- https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-rashid-buttar-murdered-for-airing-this-video-share-to-everyone/
- https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/dr-rashid-buttar-dies-of-an-apparent
- https://rumble.com/v2pknbp-investigating-dr.-rashid-buttars-mysterious-death-doctor-poisoned-for-telli.html
- https://rumble.com/v2mkxd4-a-true-hero-of-our-time-dont-miss-the-5th-annual-advanced-medicine-conferen.html
- https://thebigresetmovie.com/
- https://odysee.com/@thebigreset:1/RASHID-BUTTAR-ENG:e
- https://odysee.com/@thebigreset:1/ENGLISH:bb
- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/vaccine-disinformation-social-media-center-for-countering-digital-hate-report/
- https://www.infowars.com/posts/shock-deceased-dr-rashid-buttar-accurately-predicted-death-of-cnn-reporter-drew-griffin-during-interview/
- https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/19/us/drew-griffin-obit-invs/index.html
- https://t.co/G8Uj6kQifZ
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/stwHps1dkpxO/
- https://unite.live/greenmedinfo/greenmedinfo?recording_id=1999
- https://www.brighteon.com/8dad5b7b-de0f-44fd-ae41-d027c12c6522
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