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Eating Fat Does Not Make You Fat & Why We Actually Need It: A Doctor Explains

The following information about the truth about fat comes from Dr.

Eating Fat Does Not Make You Fat & Why We Actually Need It: A Doctor Explains

Mark Hyman and his newest book, Eat Fat, Get Thin, which combines the latest research with several decades of empirical evidence working with patients to prove what he has known for a long time: Incorporating the right fats into your diet can actually help you to become lean, healthy, and vibrant. Here are 8 take-home facts about fat you won’t want to miss: When you consume a lot of sugar you force your body to pump out more and more insulin in order to pull your blood sugar levels back down. It is very difficult to actually burn off all of the sugar you eat so your body stores it as fat, which creates insulin resistance and overall metabolic havoc.

There are many different names for sugar, but despite small differences in how they react in the body, they all create similar damage. Fat is a very complex substance.

There’s saturated, monosaturated, polyunsaturated, trans fats, and many subcategories within each. Some are great, others are neutral, and yes, some are pretty bad. It is important to know the difference. When people eat less fat, they tend to compensate by eating more starch and sugar in its place. This can actually increase your body’s levels of the small, dense cholesterol that can cause heart attacks. When making “low-fat” products, most food manufacturers will replace fat with extra sugar in order to offset the difference in taste. Interestingly, a review of the research that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found no correlation between saturated fat and heart disease. It is important to note that the quality of fat does play a role here, as a greasy bacon cheeseburger is not comparable and will have a different effect on the body than the saturated fat that is present in coconut oil. Particularly trans fats and vegetable oils that cause inflammation. About 99% of Americans are deficient in these fats, which are critical to good health. If you are not eating foods that are rich in these fats, including sustainably raised cold-water fish or pasture raised eggs, then you should certainly consider taking an omega 3 supplement. When your cell walls are built with high quality fats, they are better able to metabolize insulin, which will keep blood sugar more regulated. Conversely, when your blood sugar levels are not properly controlled, the body will naturally store fat. Consuming the proper fats can actually increase fat burning, reduce fat storage, and curtail hunger. Of that 60%, the biggest portion comes from the omega-3 fat called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Your brain absolutely needs DHA in order to ignite communication between cells; when cells have easy access to high quality fats, cognition, happiness, learning, and memory improve. By that same token, studies show that a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids can be linked to depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Fat is not the enemy, and I hope this information will help you to embrace it back into your life. Much Love .

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