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Edward Snowden Opens Up About About Russia, ‘Spy’ Microwaves, & Web Security

Edward Snowden Opens Up About About Russia, ‘Spy’ Microwaves, & Web Security

If you’re not familiar with Edward Snowden, he’s the former National Security Agency (NSA) intelligence officer who blew the whistle on the NSA’s global surveillance program, revealing that, in the modern day world, there really is no privacy, and that a manufactured need for increased ‘national security’ is being used to justify this surveillance — a surveillance that doesn’t actually protect citizens at all. Prior to his leaks, mass surveillance via our televisions, phones, computers, and more was once considered a conspiracy. Today, everything we do is tracked, monitored, recorded, and stored in a database somewhere.

The amount of information these agencies has on every single citizen is frightening; at any time they can pull data from these records and use it against you. And the agency has been doing this for years, spying not just on ordinary people, but on corporations, banks, and foreign governments, too. Recently, Snowden made an appearance via a video link at a technology conference (CeBIT) in Germany, where he once again denied being used by Russia, or being a Russian agent.

The fact that so many people believe the accusations against him, despite there being no evidence, only shows the power mainstream media holds over us. He brings up a similar phenomenon in the interview. Following reports that Hillary Clinton blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for personally cyber attacking her presidential campaign and ultimately costing her the 2016 election, Ron Paul, founder of the Institute for Peace and Prosperity, spoke up against such claims, calling the U.S. government “propagandists” that simply push for a foreign policy of “intervening around the world.” The U.S. and other countries have interfered with foreign politics and elections for years, just as Snowden highlights in this interview: “Foreign interference is a common thing. If elections have been interfered with throughout history why does this one matter?” Something to think about... As far as “spy microwaves,” these rumours came about when Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President for Donald Trump, said, “What I can say is there are many ways to surveil each other now, unfortunately,” including “microwaves that turn into cameras, etc. . . . So we know that that is just a fact of modern life.” (source) Yet Snowden says that, while she may be misinformed, the idea that microwaves could spy on us, particularly in light of the recent Samsung TV scandal, isn’t so far-fetched. (source) Even if her comments were taken out of context, revelations from Snowden and other whistleblowers clearly demonstrate that we should question everything when it comes to our privacy. Obviously, security is a big issue on the internet. How can we protect ourselves? What can we do to keep the eyes of the ‘watchers’ off of us? There are a number of ways, and different software is available to us, but ultimately, it’s up to the technology community to push this issue forward. It’s also important to address the potential here for further restrictions to be placed on our freedom. Just as we’ve experienced ‘terrorism’ in the real world, and the resulting heightened national security state, the threat of cyber terrorism could well be used to justify putting restrictions on the internet and our freedom of speech within it. Considering how effective false flag terrorism has been, I don’t think we can rule out false flag cyber terrorism anytime soon. .

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