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Event: 2012 – Gateway to Your Future

Wisdom-Forum presents ‘2012: Gateway to Your Future’ an upcoming event being held in Toronto Oct 22nd and 23rd at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto.

Event: 2012 – Gateway to Your Future

We are an affiliate for the event so if you are interested in finding out more information or ordering tickets to attend the event, please do so via the link below. The following is from their website: “A conference to investigate the coming shift of the ages anticipated by the Mayan Calendar and many other predictions. This profound two-day conference will empower you to Create Your Future and be a leader rather than a victim of the coming changes! We are so excited to welcome you to the next evolution of Wisdom-Forum where you will be given enlightening information, discoveries and experiences for your transformational journey. You are going to gain incredible new perspectives from the wonderful scientists, experts and visionaries we have gathered for the 2012: Gateway to Your Future Conference on October 22nd and 23rd. 2011. Each of these speakers will provide you with incredible new understandings about the shift of consciousness that is changing our world. Live Videostreaming of Full Conference. If you are unable to attend the conference in person, no worries. A Webcast of this entire event is available for a FULL 6 months for all registrants. Bonus: We are an affiliate for the event so if you are interested in finding out more information or ordering tickets to attend the event, please do so via the link below. .

Read the full article at the original website


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