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Ex Israeli Intelligence Officer Provides More Important Details About Jeffrey Epstein

MintPress recently conducted its own interview with Ben-Menashe as part of an ongoing investigation on the life and connections of Jeffrey Epstein.

Ex Israeli Intelligence Officer Provides More Important Details About Jeffrey Epstein
Is this the inside life of politics? With so much corruption being exposed in various areas, how can we continue to call these people our leaders and rely on them to do what's best for humanity? The Jeffrey Epstein scandal has really woken people up to the reality of elite level child trafficking and pedophilia. We here at Collective Evolution have been creating awareness about it for a very long time, and have shed light on the fact that it goes far beyond the already horrendous acts of child trafficking and pedophilia, and into ritualistic abuse and murder. A paper published in European Psychiatry titled “The cremation of care ritual: Burning of effigies or human sacrifice murder? The importance of differentiating complex trauma from schizophrenia in extreme abuse settings” by Dr. Rainer Kurz, a chartered occupational psychologist with a PhD from The University of Manchester and a Master of Science in Industrial Psychology from The University of Hull, explains: In the wake of institutional abuse enquiries and the ‘unbelievable’ child abuse perpetrated by celebrities like Jimmy Saville and Ian Watkins, a ‘new reality’ is setting in that child abuse is pervasive and knows no limits. Reports of elaborate rituals with ‘mock’ human sacrifices at the highly secretive annual ‘Bohemian Grove’ summer festival point towards a pervasive interest in the occult in high society. Mental health professionals have a ‘duty of care’ towards their service users. Unless clear and irrefutable counter-evidence is available it is inappropriate to claim that disclosures of extreme abuse and/or human sacrifice rituals are ‘delusions’ and indicative of Schizophrenia. Epstein, Schwartz Schwartz (2011) described cases of ‘Forced Impregnation’ by cult members which were followed by Human Sacrifice rituals.

They also described UK based abuse groups forced ‘child-on child’ sex abuse salient to the case. Scott (2001) described the casual ease with which some abuse perpetrations torture and kill. 36 survivors completed her survey of whom 34 claimed abuse by members of their immediate family, and 21 by one or both parents. For 34 ritual abuse in childhood involved murder and for 16 involved forced childbirth/abortion. Bekker, Karriker, Overkamp and Rutz (2008) found in their extreme abuse survey that ‘forced impregnation’ by 40 % of 1041 of adult survivors and 33 % of 82 child survivors, and disclosed to 70 percent of 221 professionals bearing witness. Murder of a ‘breeder baby’ by the perpetrators was reported by 26%, 18% and 55% respectively. Witnessing murder by perpetrators was reported 56%, 43% and 77% respectively. Research eventually led to the Franklin scandal that broke in 19819 when hundreds of children were apparently flown around the US to be abused by high ranking ‘Establishment’ members. Former state senator John W DeCamp, cited as one of the most effective legislators in Nebraska history, is today attorney for two of the abuse victims. A 15 year old girl disclosed that she had been abused since the age of 9 and was exposed to ‘ritual murder’ of a new born girl, a small boy (who was subsequently fried and eaten) and three others.

The key sentence above is “when hundreds of children were apparently flown around the US to be abused by high ranking ‘Establishment’ members.” What mainstream media hasn’t mentioned is that Epstein may have been working for intelligence agencies by blackmail and entrapping ‘high profile’ people. Who knows, perhaps Epstein himself was in some ways entrapped? In an interview with former CBS News executive producer and award-winning investigative journalist for Narativ, Zev Shalev, the former senior executive for Israel’s Directorate of Military Intelligence, Ari Ben-Menashe, claimed not only to have met Jeffrey Epstein and his alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, back in the 1980s, but that both Epstein and Maxwell were already working with Israeli intelligence during that time period as well. Epstein’s ties to intelligence, described in-depth in a recent MintPress investigative series, have continued to receive minimal mainstream media coverage, which has essentially moved on from the Epstein scandal despite the fact that his many co-conspirators remain on the loose. Ben-Menashe says that well after the introduction, though again he does not specify which year, Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein began a sexual blackmail operation with the purpose of extorting U.S. political and public figures on behalf of Israeli military intelligence. He stated: “In this case what really happened, my take on it, in the later thing, is that these guys were seen as agents.

They weren’t really competent to do very much. And so they found a niche for themselves — blackmailing American and other political figures.” MintPress recently conducted its own interview with Ben-Menashe as part of an ongoing investigation on the life and connections of Jeffrey Epstein. Part of that interview is provided below with relevant commentary, particularly regarding claims related to the relationship between Epstein and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Epstein’s trip to Tel Aviv immediately prior to his first arrest, and the reasons for Israeli military intelligence’s interest in orchestrating and financing a major sexual blackmail operation targeting top U.S. politicians. You can access and find out more about that HERE. Below is a picture obtained by The Sun, an image of Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein Ghislaine Maxwell together at Prince Beatrice’s 18th birthday party. Beatrice is the daughter of Prince Andrew. Weinstein also has some interesting Israeli intelligence connections. Anneke Lucas is an author, speaker, advocate for child sex trafficking victims, founder of the non-profit organization Liberation Prison Yoga, and creator of the Unconditional Model. Her work is based off her 30-year journey to restore her mental and physical wellbeing after surviving some of the worst atrocities known to humankind before the age of 12. Sold as a young child into a murderous pedophile network by her family, she was rescued after nearly six years of abuse and torture. We recently conducted an interview with her. Below is a clip from the four part series, as it was a very long and detailed interview. You can access the full interview HERE on CETV, a platform we created to help combat the censorship we are experiencing and allow us to continue to do our work and get the word out about various issues and topics. With all of this Epstein stuff hitting the mainstream, it’s important to hear from the survivors themselves. This is a deep topic that goes well beyond what is being presented within the mainstream, but at least it’s getting out there. Due to the pressure of mass censorship, we now have our own censorship-free, and ad-free on demand streaming network! It is the world's first and only conscious media network streaming mind-expanding interviews, news broadcasts, and conscious shows. Click here to start a FREE 7-Day Trial and watch 100's of hours of conscious media videos, that you won't see anyw.

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