Exclusive– Adam Townsend to Political Junkies: Don't Waste Your 'Emotional Reservoir' on Politics, 'Spend It on Wealth Creation' to Protect Yourself

Adam Townsend, investor and venture capitalist, advised political observers to monetize their knowledge through investment while warning against the wasteful expenditure of emotional capital on Monday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast with host Alex Marlow. “People only have a certain amount of an emotional capacity,” Townsend stated. “It’s like a river. People only have a very finite amount within their emotional reservoir, and it’s very easy to deplete that emotional reservoir, and it’s extremely difficult to replenish it. I have tried to remind people not to expend [and] not to exhaust that emotional reservoir on those things like politics and this and that.” Townsend urged people to be judicious in drawing on the limited resources of their “emotional capacity,” he added. He said insights gleaned from political observations should be leveraged in investing, and that those with an understanding of political goings-on can anticipate market movements. He remarked, “Be very thoughtful in how you expend it and realistic in how you expend it, and one of the things that we can do is kind of shift a little bit of that emotional capacity and our willingness to spend our wallet share [of our emotional reservoir], so to speak. Move it from one bucket to the other. If I’m going to spend, I want to spend it on wealth creation.” He continued, “I think that if a person has a good sense of the future ... if last year you knew that, ‘Well, if Biden wins, taxes are going to go up,’ okay, then let’s invest according to that. ... If you know what’s going to happen in the future, then you’ve got kind of a moral obligation to not be suffering the future.” Townsend described himself as “bullish” on stock markets while describing market investments as an essential financial safe haven through which to avoid and mitigate the ongoing and worsening economic consequences — including inflation and increasing taxation — of the Biden administration’s and Democrat Party’s policies. “The only way to endure what’s coming next [is] to invest in the markets,” he assessed. Investing in markets can help Americans blunt the economic hardship wrought by increasing “staggering inflation” and a “tax regime [that is] extremely hostile,” he held. Investment in stock markets also offers a type of intellectual reprieve and source of hope against the backdrop of a gloomy political landscape, Townsend estimated. He said, “There’s such a neurosis that people are not being permitted intellectually to retreat from — this political bombardment — and I think that investing ... gives people kind of an optimism about the future because no matter what you’re investing into — something that will have earnings reports, so that’s a future event that will benefit from certain economic trends. So again, that’s thinking about [how] these economic trends in the future become the economic trends that you’re experiencing.” The Breitbart News Daily podcast is available for listening and download via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon Music. Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern..
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