Facebook Deleted 58 More Independent Media Pages Last Night
Facebook and Twitter colluded last night to remove even more social media accounts belonging to dissenting independent media voices..

They appear to be scrambling to control the ever-weakening mainstream narratives. Are you changing your habits as to how you get and view your independent media? It won't come from social media anymore. Are you open to supporting independent media financially? We're at a point where we are going to have to consider doing so. On October 11, 2018, Facebook, in collusion with Twitter, removed more alternative and independent media pages from their platforms. Quality outlets like The Free Thought Project and AntiMedia have now joined the list of over 150 pages that have been removed. This has been going on since early 2018. Facebook has essentially been removing pages of dissenting voices. Whether they are on the left or the right, it doesn’t seem to matter. If there is anything remotely extreme in their position, or it is sufficiently discordant with the mainstream voice, they appear to be getting targeted.
The fact that Twitter goes along with it means they aren’t doing this by some algorithm, but very selectively and certainly not independently. Facebook hasn’t fully commented on why these specific deletions are taking place, but news coverage in the past has pointed to their effort to stop ‘fake news’, and block accounts and outlets that are tied to Russian interference with US elections. I am friends with many of the admins from these pages, and I can tell you they have no ties to Russia, and most of them do not post any fake news at all. So why all the deletions? You can figure that one out. I cover this in greater detail in the video below, but before that, please check out how you can help. We have been talking about this for a long time, and have felt the reach and financial pressures of this censorship. Most viewers are often in the dark about how independent media outlets operate, so we decided to reveal all of that information here.
The reality is, if we don’t begin supporting independent conscious media outlets, in the same way mainstream viewers support mainstream outlets, we will not be around much longer.
There is a clear indication inside this movement that it’s time for a deep maturing. Many seem to feel that money is evil or somehow corrupts everyone. At this critical time, this very belief could contribute to the downfall of this entire space.
The reason is that we are now at a point where we have to directly support what we value in this space, plain and simple. It’s happening in the mainstream and millions are jumping on board. If we don’t want independent media to disappear, we have to do the same. We have elected for transparency and honesty with our company financials and plans to say “hey, we have to do this together!” We created a campaign called the Conscious Media Movement, encouraging readers and truth-seekers to join in and support what they feel is important in changing this world. You can join for only $3 a month to help keep conscious media alive. In all honesty and transparency, this is where things are at! By all means, share our content as much as you can if you cannot support financially, but if we don’t get this stuff funded, it will be gone. It’s systematically being shut down. Click here to support. And it’s very important that we build direct links to all our readers who want us to be in touch in case Facebook takes down our page as well. Sign up here to get our content via email. .
Read the full article at the original website