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FBN's Payne: Biden Will Ease Sanctions for Venezuela While Blocking Oil Development in Democratic Guyana

FBN's Payne: Biden Will Ease Sanctions for Venezuela While Blocking Oil Development in Democratic Guyana

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Fox Business Network host Charles Payne criticized the Biden administration for easing sanctions on Venezuelan oil exploration after it blocked a loan for oil development in the neighboring nation of Guyana due to a supposed opposition to funding fossil fuels. Payne said, “This is dirty oil. And one other part of the story, I don’t think, is getting enough attention. This administration has stopped Guyana, one of our key allies in the region, from getting a major grant, $180 million grant.

They’ve got 11 billion barrels of proven oil, significantly cleaner than Venezuela. We won’t give them the money because we won’t fund fossil fuels, not only in this country, but even in small countries that are desperate for financial independence, we won’t help them either.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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