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Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Urges Elon Musk to Release 'Everything Without Filter'

Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, has urged current CEO Elon Musk to release all “Twitter files” related to the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Urges Elon Musk to Release 'Everything Without Filter'

Dorsey never released such information when he ran the company, choosing instead to run an astoundingly opaque company. Fox Business reports that Jack Dorsey, the former CEO of Twitter, has requested that current Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk make all of the company’s “Twitter files” public after the departure of James Baker, the former deputy general counsel, for his alleged involvement in the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story. Dorsey believes that the information should be released “without filter.” Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images, BNN Edit Elon Musk has hinted that he may release additional “Twitter files” which reportedly show how the social media platform has censored conservative speech. In response, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has called on Musk to make all internal documents available “without filter” and to explain the actions that the company plans to take under its new management. “If the goal is transparency to build trust, why not just release everything without filter and let people judge for themselves? Including all discussions around current and future actions?” Dorsey asked. “Make everything public now.” If the goal is transparency to build trust, why not just release everything without filter and let people judge for themselves? Including all discussions around current and future actions? Make everything public now. #TwitterFiles — jack (@jack) December 7, 2022 Dorsey recently commented on the decision made by his company to limit discussion of the New York Post‘s story regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop. Details of this decision were made public after internal documents and records were provided by Musk to journalist Matt Taibbi, who subsequently published an exposé on the matter. According to the documents, Twitter Safety claimed at the time that the articles about Hunter Biden’s laptop were in violation of their “hacked materials policy.” According to the recently-released “Twitter files,” former FBI general counsel James Baker advised Twitter executives to assume that the New York Post had violated the platform’s rules, despite the lack of supporting evidence. Baker also played a significant role in the Trump-Russia investigation. In one email thread responding to a Twitter executive who asked whether they could “truthfully claim” that the laptop story was “part of the [hacked materials] policy,” Baker stated: “I support the conclusion that we need more facts to assess whether the materials were hacked. At this stage, however, it’s reasonable for us to assume that they may have been and that caution is warranted.” Taibbi reported that Baker was charged with reviewing the “Twitter files” before they were released to journalists. Taibbi stated that this move “surprised everyone involved.” On Tuesday, Musk said that Baker was “exited” from the company “in light of concerns about Baker’s possible role in the suppression of information important to the public dialogue.” Read more at Fox Business here. Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan .

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