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Full Moon In Aries: Addressing Wounds & Limitations

We are having a Full Moon in Aries on September 24th/25th, depending on where you’re located in the world.This marks the peak of the Lunar Cycle that began on September 9th with a New Moon in Virgo..

Full Moon In Aries: Addressing Wounds & Limitations

The energies of a Full Moon gradually build up earlier in the Moon cycle and become more noticeable on the day of and days surrounding it. It is also a part of the backdrop of the other astrological energies over the following 2 weeks.

The Sun entered Libra a few days prior which is always at the Equinox as per the Tropical Zodiac.

The Equinoxes and Solstices are powerful points of transition which are the beginning of the next quarter/season of the astronomical year. Considering that the Full Moon is so close to this Equinox, it amplifies the transitional energy of this period. At every Full Moon we experience a push-pull between two opposing signs, in this case it is the Sun in Libra opposing the Moon in Aries. As mentioned, Libra season just began and will last until October 23rd. Ruled by Venus, it is about relating/relationships, aesthetics/beauty, creativity, balance, diplomacy, equality, cooperation, and consideration. It can also be indecisive, superficial, vain, lack action, and can be overly co-dependant in many ways yet emotionally detached at the same time. As an Air sign, it is socially and intellectually oriented. Aries, ruled by Mars, is about self-initiation, action, assertiveness, boldness, independence, self-interests, and taking the lead. It is also a ‘quick’ energy. Negatively, it can be hot-tempered, aggressive, restless, impatient, and lack consideration. As a Fire sign, it is energetic and instinctual. During this time we should see the energies of both of these opposing signs playing out either through us and/or around us. This Full Moon is really close to Chiron (also in Aries) while moving towards a square with Saturn in Capricorn and an opposition to Mercury (also in Libra). This period may highlight anything connected to our wounds, blockages, negative patterns, traumas, and/or it may also bring up our gifts in relation to those. Chiron has a holistically healing quality, and perhaps this period can reflect taking action towards healing. It is also a ‘bridge’ energy, especially between the physical and the spiritual, but can also bridge other things as well. Chiron is also currently retrograde and is changing signs (to Pisces) less than 24 hours after this Full Moon. This reinforces how Chiron themes can be coming up strongly at this time, and perhaps it could be connected to our wounds and issues that have come up sometime in the last 7-8 years. Saturn in a T-square with this Full Moon can bring up themes around limitations, challenges, responsibility, or discipline.

These can be in connection with the Libra-Aries opposition as well as Chiron themes mentioned above. In some cases, we may need to get real and put effort towards fixing our blockages. Mercury in the equation could have to do with issues around the way we think or communicate.

The Sun is aligned with the ‘Super Galactic Center’ which is what our galaxy rotates around along with other galaxies.

The SGC, along with the GC (our galaxy’s center) are points in the sky that have to do with higher consciousness, spiritual evolution, and tapping into new ideas and concepts that help to push humanity forward. This SGC amplifies some of the Libras qualities around relationship and creativity, but has deeper meaning around them. It can also be connected to soul retrieval and healing, similarly to Chiron.

These themes may also be connected to some of the other stuff mentioned throughout this article.

The ruler of this Full Moon, Mars, is aligned with the South Node and a trine/sextile with the Sun and Moon. It is still in its post-retrograde period for the next two weeks as it begins to pick up speed. On the day of this Full Moon, Mars also returns from being ‘Out of Bounds’ which isn’t a common occurrence. This is when a planet orbits outside of a space of where it normally is from our Earth based perspective, outside of the ‘Ecliptic and Celestial Equator’. This began on July 7th during its retrograde. When a planet is ‘out of bounds’, it is generally a time when a planet explores new territory beyond the normal constructs of how it usually expresses itself. It can be in unusual, unique, independent, unconventional, innovative, and even creative ways. Mars has to do with how we use our willpower, our actions/assertiveness, our motivations, our desires, sexuality, and how we deal with aggression and anger. With the ‘out of bounds’ ending now, it can be a time of integrating more of what we learned or experienced over the last 2.5 months. This combined with the Mars retrograde indicates a re-orientation of how we apply Mars. Being near the South Node, it also brings themes in relation to the past (perhaps karmic) and could also be connected to Aquarian areas of friendships, ideals, and collective efforts. Perhaps a need to release something in terms of how we apply our Mars energy and/or in relation to Aquarian areas.

The South Node connection also reinforces some of the Chiron and Super Galactic Center themes mentioned above. Venus is currently slowing down and will go retrograde on October 5th while in Scorpio. Since early September, we have been in a period in which shifts and new developments around Venus areas of love, relationships, sex, values, beauty, creativity, and even financially can start to play out. Or certain things that have been going since then may lead to changes and adjustments to these areas which will occur during and after the retrograde from October to December. Prior to and during the retrograde, Venus interacts with Mars in a square. This could be about our recent Mars lessons and re-orientations having an effect on Venus related areas which will undergo its own recalibration process of its own. What are your self-interests at this time and how can you balance this with the consideration of others? What areas of your life require healing and what has been coming up to show you this? How can you apply better effort and discipline towards dealing with your blockages, limitations, and wounds? How can you take on more of a holistic approach? What aspects or relationships of your past do you need to address? What behaviors do you need to release from? What did you realize or explore in the last 2.5 months and how can you incorporate this to achieve greater harmony and fulfillment in your life.

These are just some examples of what may be coming up for you, however, there may be other variations of this energy playing out as well. If you wish to do any sort of intentional release connected to what has come up at this Full Moon, it is best to do so anytime over the two weeks following, when it is waning.

The exact moment of this Full Moon is on September 25th at 2:52am Universal Time. You can click here to see what that is in your time zone..

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