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Full Moon In Libra: An Evolution In Our Relationships

We are having a Full Moon in Libra on April 11th/12th, depending on your location.This is the peak of the Moon cycle, where the Sun and Moon are in two opposing signs — in this case Aries and Libra.

Full Moon In Libra: An Evolution In Our Relationships

. This is also being referred to as a ‘Pink Moon’ which is a title supposedly credited to Native American tribes.

The effects of the Full Moon could begin to manifest in the days leading up to it, but the Full Moon itself influences what occurs during the following two weeks until the next New Moon. This is generally the most lively time of the month, and when emotions are the most stirred up. During this time, there may be some challenges between the opposing energies, but there will also be opportunity for integration. Any experiences around Full Moons are generally less significant than the type of changes that could occur during eclipses; however, this one has a few interesting things to consider. Venus, Libra’s ruler, has been retrograde since the beginning of March and will be until April 15th. Mercury began its retrograde fewer than two days before this Full Moon, and Saturn also just started its retrograde five days prior. Venus’ retrograde in Aries and Pisces has helped to facilitate some reflections, reconsiderations, and changes in our relationships/friendships, values, money, pleasures, creativity, and anything related to beauty and appearance. It may have brought up (or will bring up) some challenges or wounds and also potential healing in these areas. Mercury’s retrograde in Taurus and Aries has overlapping themes with Venus facilitating adjustments around values, money, creativity, but also is about being more practical and aligned with our personal interests.

The Sun has been in fiery Aries since the March 20th equinox, and many of us may have been feeling a big push to be more bold and take some sort of action, try something new, and get a lot done. In general, we may be feeling more energetic and using that energy in various ways. Aries is also about independence, self-interests, and leadership.

The Moon opposing it in Libra will bring up some considerations around our partnerships, social life, fairness, and balance. Since Jupiter has been Libra since September and will last until October, this is an overall expansive time when it comes to this area. During this time, however, we need to become more aligned with what is important to us as individuals and see how we can incorporate that into our relationships and partnerships, or for creating more balance. Uranus here suggests that between this Full Moon and the following week, anything can happen. This is also reinforced by all the retrogrades, which I will get into further below. Uranus themes can include freedom, breakthroughs, separations, and new ways of expressing oneself. In some cases there can be sudden and unexpected changes. This energy is strongest around April 13th-14th, but can still play out during the Full Moon and in the lead-up to those dates. Saturn in Sagittarius being involved in this configuration helps to stabilize challenges between the opposing energies and also be useful if you are involved in any sort of collaborations with others. It helps us to work things out and to consider our long term goals and the big picture when factoring in our personal and shared interests. Saturn began its retrograde on April 6th and this will last until late August. As with every outer planet, this is something that occurs more often than the retrogrades of Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Saturn is retrograde almost 40% of the time, every year for roughly four and a half months. As a result, astrologers generally don’t emphasize outer planet retrogrades as much as the other, less frequent retrogrades of the planets mentioned above. Saturn started its retrograde while Venus and Mercury were in transitional periods and it will end during a very powerful time in late August. This can be a good time to sharpen our skills, lay some sort of groundwork, revisit projects/commitments, and do any sort of preparation.

There will be major shifts coming late summer which will also influence the remainder of the year and beyond. Whatever you are doing between now and then will help to prepare you for what is to come. What is the best approach when considering your personal interests/freedom and finding balance between your shared interests and considerations around your relationships? What has Venus retrograde showed you over the past six weeks, and how do those lessons apply to you at this time? What can do you to improve any blocks around your love life, friendships, pleasures, or money, or to improve anything related to aesthetics? These are just some examples of what to reflect on during this time, but you are not limited to them. If you wish to do any sort of conscious intention or action for releasing or cleansing, it is best to do it in the following three to four days after this period. As close to the Full Moon as possible is best, but in this case the entire week after could bring more changes, so you may just want to hang on for the ride and see where it all goes.

The exact time will be at 6:08am Universal Time on April 11th, you can click here for your time zone. — Have you ever had an astrology reading based on your specific birth time? Get a detailed personalized reading with astrologer Carmen Di Luccio based on your exact birth date, time, and location. Click here for more information. .

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