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Full Moon In Virgo (With Horoscopes)

This Full Moon occurs today on March 5th at 1:05pm (EST).It is in Virgo, the sign of self-care, details, health, organizing, discernment, perfection, service, work, and the details of life.

Full Moon In Virgo (With Horoscopes)

. Virgo is an Earth sign, and is very much orientated around reality in the physical world. It is opposite the Sun in Pisces (which has been there for the last 2 weeks), a more mystical and spiritual sign. It is a dreamer and more tuned in to the unconscious. Pisces also is a creative and right brained energy which can also be elusive, while Virgo is more linear and matter of fact. At this Full Moon, these two energies are in a tug-of-war with each other. This period could be a time to turn your dreams into something real and tangible. It could also mean discerning or releasing anything that seems unrealistic or delusional. For some people, it could also be a great time for healing, especially because of the other planets involvement in this Full Moon. With this energy, It’s important to employ physical healing techniques in balance with the spiritual ones. Often, spiritually orientated people tend to mainly gravitate towards spiritual or energy healing modalities (such as Reiki) but unless we use other methods that work on a physical level, then the spiritual healing will have limited results and will not be fully embodied. This Full Moon (and the next 2 weeks) is a good time to do any type of physical cleansing, detox, and physical techniques to help with spiritual healing. Modalities and exercises that help to release old traumas and patterns can also be very helpful such as Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, or the revolutionary Trauma Release Exercises. It would be wise to be open to anything else that is presented to you at this time which helps in this way. By the end of the month, after the Sun goes into Aries, many of us may find ourselves busier with new initiatives. You may want to take this time over the next few weeks to organize, clean, clear and prepare for a more action orientated time period. It is a good time to get a head start on your spring cleaning and try to have it all done before the next New Moon and Equinox on March 20th. It is also a good time to use Feng Shui to optimize productivity in your workspace and home.

The Virgo-Pisces axis is excellent for this approach. Other aspects over the next few weeks suggest that this could be a time of significant changes that allow us to really move forward in our lives, but we always need to release or transform the things that are getting in our way which could be some of the things described above. Pisces is the sign of escapism, and for anyone who has escapist tendencies, this Full Moon and is an opportunity to transform this into productivity in the real world. Challenge yourself into new productive habits and routines. Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn...The Final Square Off As a collective, we have been experiencing tense energies since June 2012, thanks to the interplay between Uranus and Pluto.

The geometric angle these two planets have manifested into global protests, uprisings, increased activism, political reforms, countries going bankrupt, new currencies getting the spotlight, and much more. An increasing amount of people are getting fed up by the conditions that have been set-up by hierarchy, banks, politicians, racist police, corporations, Monsanto, as well as Oil and dirty energy industries, etc. Uranus is known as the ‘awakener’, and in Aries it is rebellious. It also rules technology. Pluto is a transformer but also represents those in power who control and manipulate us. It is in the sign of Capricorn which rules monetary structures (such as banking, currency) but also rules governments, corporations, and other structures in place that have sort of managing effect in the world at large. During this time, people have been waking up and challenging these power structures, and technology has been a valuable asset to this cause. This month, we will experience the final tense square off between these two planets which will be exactly on March 16th, but can be felt in the weeks leading up this date and afterwards. In our personal lives many people have been experiencing similar effects. We may be challenging outdated structures that go against our personal freedom and individuality. Depending on how these planets are affecting you individually, many people may have had flare ups with employers, parents, authorities, and those who hold traditional limiting views that try to inhibit your freedom, individuality and self-expression. One thing I’ve definitely noticed over the last 3 years is the vast amounts of people attempting to become self-employed by using the internet and technology. We are in a time now where technological advancements are allowing us to make a living by doing something that truly reflects our unique self expression. However, I’m saying all of this loosely because it really depends on how these planets are affecting you as an individual which can be determined by identifying Uranus and Pluto’s positions in relation to your natal astrology chart. As this Uranus-Pluto theme concludes this month, we will see some more events and circumstance occur (big or small, and on an individual and global level) with the themes described above. However, although the final peak of this energy will conclude over the next month, it will still be lingering more subtlety until the rest of the year. Also, Pluto will be in Capricorn until the year 2023, so we will continue to experience transformations in government, corporate, and banking structures until then. To put this into perspective, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn the United States became a country which became the dominant governing country and currency during the following 248 year orbit of Pluto. So, by the time we reach 2023, expect to see some new structures established which will be pivotal for the next 248 years. It is believed by conspiracy theorists that those in control would like to create a global government sometimes referred to as the ‘New World Order’. However, with the input and activism of the people and the collective, we can use this period to create our own structures that favour everyone. *Note: These are generalized Sun sign horoscopes and should be taken lightly.

The most accurate way to do a horoscope is when an astrologer uses a person’s natal birth chart which requires the exact birth date, time, and location of birth. For more information on doing a detailed horoscope, click on my website link below in my bio. Aries: This Full Moon emphasizes the need to focus on the details, work, health, and your day-to-day routines. With the changes you make, it can be beneficial and even transformative in your career. You may catch the attention in a positive way from your employers or those who have authority over you. Or you feel the need to make necessary changes in your life to help you change your career path. You have a lot of energy and it would be beneficial to look for an outlet, such as implementing a new exercise routine or any type of sport. Also, you may feel really anxious especially from March 10-17 as their is a possibility that you may feel the need to suddenly rebel against those in power over you. Also be extra careful from March 10-12 as there is a higher risk of accident or injury. Don’t let your irritability get the best of you. Taurus: This Full Moon highlights your love life, fun, creativity, and children. Some Taurus folk may even want to get involved in a team orientated sport. This is a good period for deepening your ‘big picture’ perspective and philosophical beliefs. This an excellent time to use your creativity in powerful ways and especially for those who are teachers, writers, or work in marketing fields. If you are in a relationship this can be an extra fun and exciting time. If you are not in a relationship, then there is a chance that a new potential lover might be in the picture. If this is the case, it would be wise not to get too attached. A new love interest can be expansive for you on a spiritual or philosophical level, but probably won’t be long lasting. Just have fun with it! Gemini: This Full Moon highlights your home and family. It is a good time to organize around the house and even start your spring cleaning. Renovations, upgrades, or moving to a new home can also be a theme.

Their could also be some positive developments around your shared resources with your family or with those you live with. This Full Moon can be a bit tougher for those born between June 2nd – 8th, as you can be tested or challenged, but its effects largely depend on the dynamics of your natal chart. From March 11th – 12th, you may have issues with coworkers or peers. For those of you who are activists, you may find yourself busy in this regard between March 11th – 17th. It would be a great time to spread whatever message that you’d like to share. Cancer: This Full Moon is a time to communicate how you feel to those closest to you about things that need to be changed in your relationships with them. It could be with your lover, a partner, siblings, or even neighbours or those in your community. You may see that things are not as good as they can be and you are looking to sort that out. Others way look at you as being nitpicky and you may butt heads with them over their opinions. However, the end result can be significant positive change. From March 10th -12th you may want to try new or unconventional things in your career, or you their may be sudden changes that occur beyond your control. Either way it plays out, you will likely gain from it in a positive and expansive way. Between March 10th-17th there is also a possibility that you rebel against those who try to manipulate or exert power over you. Leo: This Full Moon highlights your values, money, resources, and self-worth. This can be a good time to do your taxes or get everything ready and organized in preparation for your taxes. You may also want to implement new health regimens, let go of bad habits, and/or change your routine to help boost your self-esteem. You may also want to change your job in order to improve your income which could also boost your self-worth. If that is the case, then the best time to send out resumes will be March 9th – 10th. If you are self-employed then you could use those same dates to market yourself and your business to help you in boosting your income. However, you may not get the stability you are looking for until March 17th and in the weeks following. Also, from March 11th-17th, your spiritual, philosophical, and big picture perspective may undergo some radical changes that could influence the line of work you want or the need to change your lifestyle. Virgo: This Full Moon is in your sign, so you will especially feel it. Your emotional sensitivity will be heightened at this time and you may feel the need to contemplate how everything is going in your life. It can be a time of profound insights around changes that need to be made in your relationships, and especially your love life. If you have been self-sacrificing in your relationships this can be a time where it can be addressed, especially with anything related to shared resources. This Full Moon is a time to consider what is important for you and your self-identity.

Their could be positive developments and/or sudden changes around money or investments from March 9th – 11th.

There will be tension and intense energies in the from March 11th – 17th and for you it could manifest in your love life. If you are not in a relationship then it could be a time where you need to face your fears of being in one. From March 12th and for the following 2.5 weeks, it could be a time where you could be of great service to others. Libra: This Full Moon is a stimulative time for your creativity and imagination. You could also gain inspiration through your dreams. However, for many Libras this will be a social time and your creativity and inspiration can be stimulated through your friends and network, or tied into your social life some other way. Your network can expand very much, especially from March 9th-10th. It is also a good time to make positive changes in your home, and the Libra approach to that is making it more aesthetically pleasing. You may even want to do this by making your space more conductive of positive spiritual energies by using feng shui, crystals, or anything else that comes to mind. If you are in a relationship, there could be sudden changes and/or tension from March 11th – 17th, but in some cases it can also be an exciting time. Either way it could be transformative period, even if no relationship is involved. If a new love interest comes into your life suddenly it can have a powerful effect on you. If thats the case, it likely won’t be long lasting and could be ultimately problematic. Scorpio: This Full Moon highlights your work, social life, groups involved with, co-workers, peers, and social causes. It is a good time to think about how you could contribute your creative energy to your work as well as the collective and for some Scorpios, how it could be of service to humanity. Conversations with others can prove to stimulating and transforming. Your words can even have a powerful effect on others with your depth. This is a period where you can achieve a lot in your work. As a result, the period between March 9th -10th can be a time where the fruits of your labour are realized and can move you upward in your line of work, reputation, and status.

Their can even be an unexpected or surprising reward for you.

The period between March 11th – 17th can be a bit intense and chaotic. Any type of communications, writing, work can have someone respond to you in an erratic way or may try to exert power over you. Maybe some changes need to be made or maybe you’re just being tested or challenged. Just hang in there, it will pass after the next New Moon on March 21st. Sagittarius: This Full Moon highlights your career, duties, and reputation. As this Full Moon is about details, diligence, and work, it may push some Sagittarians out of their comfort zone. This period can be most challenging to those born between Dec 3rd – 11th. Finding that balance between your work and personal life could be a theme. Or you may need to make changes to improve both of them.

Their could be changes in your work that could be beneficial to your income and/or values. From March 9th-10th, it could be a fun and beneficial time in your love life. If you are in a relationship, you may want to do something with your lover that expands your perspective, maybe watch a documentary or go to a lecture, or perhaps something else. From March 11th-17th, you may find yourself in a situation where there could be a sudden event or circumstance, perhaps a fight with your lover, where your values or the way you spend your money needs to be changed. For example, Sagittarius can have a tendency to overdo things especially when it comes to having fun, spending money, drinking, and partying, so it could be related to that. With Saturn in your sign over the next few years, this a period where you need to get more serious and live your life with more discipline. As well, the Virgo Full Moon is asking you to be more conscious of your health, lifestyle and the important details of your life and work. Capricorn: This Full Moon highlights your goals, spiritual beliefs, ‘big picture’ perspectives, and some Capricorns may even be travelling. All of these potential themes are a reflection of, or somehow serve, your transforming self-identity and personal values. You may feel the need to communicate your truth to others. When a Capricorn speaks about their beliefs or perspectives, it comes from a very grounded perspective so therefore you could more be more easily received by those who are normally sceptical. Capricorns are more serious and ‘matter of fact’, making you an effective teacher, eye opener, or ‘agent of change’ to others. This is a period where you could be doing a lot of important work at home. From March 9th -10th you could do something in your home that can be some sort of upgrade which could increase its value to you, someone you share it with, or to some potential buyers in the future.

The period from March 11th – 17th, you may find yourself in a sudden conflict at home and/or with members of your family such as your parents. Perhaps you will rebelling, or being rebelled against, but ultimately you need to speak your truth. This is a microcosm of the energy affecting the world at large. Aquarius: This Full Moon highlights your financial obligations which could be in many different ways. It’s a good time to organize all your receipts and paperwork for your taxes.

The Virgo Full Moon energy is so helpful because it is detail orientated, so use it to your advantage.

There could be some changes come up around shared resources, investments, credit, banking, or even inheritance.

These changes could even be orientated around a relationship or regarding shared resources within a relationship. From March 9th – 10th, you could learn something new about asserting yourself in relationships in a way that helps you and the other person grow. From March 11th – 17th, this is a tense time. Be careful while driving or walking in your neighbourhood, as there is a higher risk of accident. You could also have an intense and sudden argument with someone, and it could even be a sibling or someone else close to you. Ultimately, anything can happen in this period, so expect the unexpected. Pisces: This Full Moon is in your opposite sign, and it may challenge you to pay more attention to the details and the realities of life. Although when looking at overall aspects that day, it’s not that bad for you and you can still go back to your ‘Pisces zone’ of imagination. This Full Moon strongly highlights your relationships and how you relate with others. Any problems around relationships might be instigated by your lack of details and realism. A theme that could play out between you and a relationship is how the two of you are contributing to a good cause. Between March 9th – 10th is a good time to do something that builds up your value in your workplace and in your career in general. From March 11th – 20th, the tense energies could play out in conflicts between you and your co-workers, peers, or amongst a group that you are part of.

Their could be conflict between your values and the values of the group.

Their could also be some sudden change with your personal finances and resources. To get a complete personalized reading with astrologer Carmen Di Luccio, visit his website here. Regular Reading: Natal with Forecast – In a regular reading, I look at some of the key characteristics and themes in your natal chart, with a focus on what is more relevant for you in the current time period. In Depth Natal Reading – In this reading, the focus is on exploring more of the dynamics of your natal chart. I cover more of your characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, success potentials as well as negative traits and patterns, and with suggestions on how to work with it all. .

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