George H. W. Bush Met With The Bin Laden Family On The Morning of 9/11
George Herbert Walker Bush had a meeting with Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of Osama bin Laden, and members of his family the day before and the morning of the 9/11 attacks.

It was apparently a routine "business" meeting. Why was there no mention of this within the mainstream? Why no investigations of these connections? Why no hearings or inquiries? Why the total silence? It’s always interesting to read the comments on a post that tries to get to the truth about 9/11. Comments ridiculing these efforts as “conspiracy theory” are still popping up, despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans and global citizens believe that something fishy happened that day and that an adequate explanation as to what happened was never provided by the US government.
These days, people are taking matters into their own hands instead of constantly relying on the government, especially for information. Government and mainstream media forces have fought back, bringing about the complete deletion and/or censorship of alternative media outlets. Prior to social media, mainstream media decided what information was to be disseminated to the public. But with social media providing a platform for organizations like Wikileaks to get information out, the global elite are struggling to maintain control of the narrative.
They are banking on a modern day Orwellian type of war against “fake news” that is reminiscent of the “war on drugs” or the “war on terror”: a lot of it is based on lies, misinformation, and the global elite, or cabal, simply creating a problem so they can propose the solution. This is exactly what seemed to happen on 9/11. It was false flag terrorism at its finest.
There are multiple studies published in physics and engineering journals that show, beyond a doubt, that ALL THREE TOWERS fell due to a controlled demolition. President Donald Trump has even expressed his knowledge that there was absolutely no way that planes could take down the towers, and that controlled demolition was involved. Here are some out of many articles we’ve written about the topic: 9/11 Unmasked: The Ultimate Evidence-Based Challenge To The Official Narrative Studies Show WTC Building 1,2 & 7 Could Not Have Fallen – Why Does The US Still Lie About 9/11? 15 Disturbing Facts About 9/11 You’ll Wish Weren’t True To simply label this a “conspiracy theory” is ignorant in light of information and evidence that has emerged since that day, be it in the form political witness testimony, documentation about what happened that day, academic research or even eyewitness testimony from firefighters who survived the event. We KNOW something strange happened. Those who push the conspiracy attitude seem to be the ones who have yet to actually look into it and examine the evidence for themselves. Anybody who does look at the reams of evidence and analysis could not possibly come to any other conclusion than the one made within this article. Ridiculing a topic and referring to it as a ‘conspiracy theory’ seems to be the first resort, instead of just saying “I don’t know,” or “I haven’t looked into it.” When we don’t look into things, we allow our perception of events to be manipulated. Most people have a hard time believing that there are people out there who would want to manipulate the perception of humanity in such an extreme way, but this is actually the only thing that makes sense of the workings of the modern world. One of the pieces of evidence of “fishy business” we haven’t covered before is the fact that, one day before the 9/11 attacks, as well as the morning of, the recently deceased George Herbert Walker Bush had a meeting with Shafiq bin Laden, the brother of Osama bin Laden, the supposed mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. Is this not fairly convincing evidence in itself that the bin Laden family, and Osama, may have been working for the Western military industrial complex? Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Canadian economist and University of Ottawa professor emeritus explains it sardonically: It was a routine business meeting on September 10-11, no conflict of interest, no relationship to the 9/11 attacks which allegedly were carried out on the orders of Shafiq’s brother Osama, no FBI investigation into the links between the Bush and bin Laden families. What is presented below is a factual account. Fellow investors of the Carlyle Group, including Osama’s brother Shafiq bin Laden and former President George H. W. Bush, met in the plush surroundings of New York’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel on September 10-11, 2001. This “business” meeting was interrupted by the attacks on that day. This meeting was confirmed by the Washington Post, though it was published well after the attacks, and went virtually ignored: It didn’t help that as the World Trade Center burned on Sept. 11, 2001, the news interrupted a Carlyle business conference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel here attended by a brother of Osama bin Laden [Shafiq bin Laden]. Former president Bush [senior], a fellow investor, had been with him at the conference the previous day. In his article Chossudovsky points out the real context and the seriousness of this situation that mainstream media completely ignored. Let’s be clear as to what happened: the dad of the sitting president of the US was “harboring” (to use GWB’s expression) the brother of the alleged terror mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. Other members of the bin Laden family were also there.
The next time this info leaked out into the mainstream came almost two years after the event: On the day Osama bin Laden’s men attacked America, Shafiq bin Laden, described as an estranged brother of the terrorist, was at an investment conference in Washington, DC, along with two people who are close to President George Bush: his father, the first President Bush, and James Baker, the former secretary of state who masterminded the legal campaign that secured Dubya’s move to the White House.
The conference was hosted by the Carlyle Group, a private equity firm that manages billions of dollars, including, at the time, some bin Laden family wealth. It also employs Messrs Bush and Baker. In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, when no one was being allowed in or out of the United States, many members of the bin Laden family in America were spirited home to Saudi Arabia.
The revival of defense spending that followed greatly increased the value of the Carlyle Group’s investments in defense companies.
The Carlyle Group is embroiled with the defense and intelligence establishment. “It is widely regarded as an extension of the US government, or at least the National Security Agency, the CIA, and the Pentagon.” ( The Economist, June 26, 2003) The meeting of members of the bin Laden family with the father of the president of the United States was covered up, and 13 members of the bin Laden family including Shafig were flown out of the US on September 19, 2001 in a plane chartered by the White House. How come there were no inquiries into this? How come there was no questioning? If our world operates the way we are told, both Bush and members of the bin Laden family should have been taken in for questioning. Obviously, it’s easy to see why they weren’t, and that’s because, in my opinion, they were directly involved in orchestrating the event, to basically revive the ‘war on terror’ in order to invade other countries for ulterior motives. Eventually, the soldiers who give orders will stop giving them, and the ones that take them will stop taking them. This will happen when more people realize that the entire ‘war on terror’ is a complete fabrication.
Read the full article at the original website