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Global Governance Moves Forward in Copenhagen

Global Governance Moves Forward in Copenhagen

Even with all the efforts to expose global warming as a fraud and to bring light to the global governance agenda that is being pushed along, it seems the Elite still stand able and willing to move forward for the final push. It has been said many times before, for many years, that the plan taking place right now as you read this is for the Elite to create a New World Order. One that will further enslave humanity beyond what we already experience today.

The plan in Copenhagen is to impose tax on CO2 emissions, as well as a global tax on financial transactions and a direct tax on GDP. United Nations Secretary General told the The Los Angeles Times: “We will establish a global governance structure to monitor and manage the implementation of this.” “We need to have a very strong, robust, binding political deal that will have an immediate operational effect. This is not going to be a political declaration, just for the sake of declaration. It is going to be a binding political deal, which will lead to a legally binding treaty next year...a formal treaty would be signed by mid-2010.” Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary General.

The agenda is ready to be enforced it’s simply a matter of getting it done before mass consciousness doesn’t allow for the experience to take place.

The Elite’s agenda will only go as far as we need to experience before it comes crashing down and we begin to experience something completely different with much less to hinder us. It’s important to continue to share and spread the information and truth among the collective and to not feel fear when speaking your own truth.

The vibration of truth from the heart is very powerful and will assist in raising the overall consciousness of the planet. Peace Joe .

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