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Going Sober for the Fourth: Nonalcoholic Spirits for Your BBQ

As the warm summer approaches, so do the barbeques and outdoor gatherings.

Going Sober for the Fourth: Nonalcoholic Spirits for Your BBQ

It’s almost time to gather with your friends and family to celebrate the independence of the United States! The Fourth of July is a time to share stories, good food, and drinks. However, the days of heavy drinking may be coming to an end. Many people are looking for alternative beverages that are better for their health and can still make their Fourth of July barbeque fun and exciting. Luckily for you, massive strides have been taken in creating nonalcoholic spirits. Let’s learn about the benefits of mocktails together! Backyard BBQs can get crazy, especially when they celebrate America’s independence. Some people may want a buzz without all the downers from beer, wine, or mixed cocktails. Mocktails have become increasingly popular with millennials, to the point that “52% of millennials prefer mocktails over traditional drinks”, according to a Beverage Daily study. This step has opened up a new market for mocktail creators and fans alike to create their buzz-inducing drinks! You may wonder, though, why even bother? There are some significant pluses to starting your own nonalcoholic spirits journey. Drinking nonalcoholic spirits at your next July 4th BBQ can make a difference for your health and the environment. With increasing awareness about sustainability, nonalcoholic spirits have become an ethical choice for environmentally conscious people. Most traditional alcoholic drinks have a significant carbon footprint, which includes transportation, packaging, and the energy used in production. On the other hand, nonalcoholic spirits have a smaller carbon footprint since they contain fewer ingredients and require less energy and transportation. Moreover, nonalcoholic spirits offer an excellent opportunity to experiment with new flavors and cocktails without feeling guilty about the amount of alcohol consumed. Nonalcoholic spirits are a creative way to make mocktails catering to different palates and preferences. With the variety of flavors and combinations available, there’s something for everyone. You can have fruity, tangy, spicy mocktails or classic drinks like mojitos and martinis. Nonalcoholic spirits can add depth, complexity, and balance to your drinks and elevate your drinking experience. Lastly, drinking nonalcoholic spirits can set an excellent example for younger generations or people new to drinking. It sends a positive message about responsible drinking, which means that it’s possible to have fun and be social without overindulging in alcohol. It also promotes a culture of moderation, which is beneficial for individuals and society as a whole. By choosing nonalcoholic spirits, you can show that drinking is not just about getting drunk but about enjoying the flavors, aromas, and social aspects of drinking. Stay connected on special events, classes, and savings. 15% OFF YOUR FIRST PURCHASE Mocktails are not only better for you and your social circle but are also delicious.

They’re crafted with the same care and attention to detail as traditional spirits but without the added alcohol. You can enjoy classic cocktails like margaritas, martinis, and daiquiris with the same flavor profile without harmful side effects. If you want to start trying these mocktails yourself, keep an eye on The Alchemist’s Kitchen’s Eventbrite page for Mocktail Speakeasy news! We also offer great mocktail mixers, like the Magic Magnesium and the Daily Energy Tonic! There are many reasons why drinking nonalcoholic spirits at your next July 4th BBQ is better for you and your social circle. It’s a healthier option, more inclusive, eco-friendly, offers new flavors and combinations, and sets a positive example for responsible drinking. So, next time you plan a party or a gathering, don’t forget to include nonalcoholic spirits in your drinks menu. Cheers to a fun, healthy, and sustainable summer! The Alchemist's Kitchen is dedicated to connecting you with the power of plants. We believe strongly in the education and instruction on the use of all whole plant formulations and herbal remedies.

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