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GOP AGs Warn Target that 'Pride Items' May Violate Child Protection Laws

A group of Republican attorneys general issued a warning to Target on Thursday regarding its “pride”-themed items with regard to children.

GOP AGs Warn Target that 'Pride Items' May Violate Child Protection Laws

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is leading the seven attorneys general, Fox Business reported Thursday.

They argue the store’s “pride” collection may have hurt young people while also threatening shareholders’ economic interests when boycotts were launched. “They also warned that the campaign raises ‘concerns’ about compliance with state child protection and parental rights laws,” the outlet said. In a social media post Thursday, Rokita said, “This nonstop transanity doesn’t sell, and it’s damaging our state’s efforts to safeguard young Hoosiers. My office will continue working daily to protect our children and uphold parental rights.” This nonstop transanity doesn’t sell, and it’s damaging our state’s efforts to safeguard young Hoosiers. My office will continue working daily to protect our children and uphold parental rights. — AG Todd Rokita (@AGToddRokita) July 6, 2023 The group of seven officials wrote in their letter: Attorneys general from Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and South Carolina joined Rokita’s note to Target CEO Brian Cornell. “In a letter, Attorney General Rokita and the other states advise Target to stop promoting and selling potentially harmful products to minors,” a Thursday press release from Rokita said, according to Real News Michiana. WATCH — “FIGHT THE CIS-TEM”: “Pride” Merchandise Being Sold at Target Includes Coloring Books for Children “It also has sold merchandise produced by the self-declared ‘Satanist-Inspired’ brand Abprallen, which is known for designs that glorify violence,” it continued. Following backlash over Target’s “pride” collection, the retailer bled over $13 billion in market value, Breitbart News reported June 6. In addition, the attorneys general claimed the corporation’s leaders were negligent and should not put politics over business. Meanwhile, most people think businesses should work to be “neutral” when faced with cultural issues, according to a recent Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey, Breitbart News reported June 29.

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