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GOP Rep. Jason Smith: Dems Loved the CBO on Trump's Tax Bill, Now They're Trying to Discredit It

GOP Rep. Jason Smith: Dems Loved the CBO on Trump's Tax Bill, Now They're Trying to Discredit It

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” House Budget Committee Ranking Member Jason Smith (R-MO) stated that Democrats touted the Congressional Budget Office’s score of former President Donald Trump’s tax bill, but are now trying to preemptively discredit the CBO’s scoring of the Build Back Better reconciliation bill and predicted that Democrats won’t like the CBO’s score of the bill. Smith said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:50] “Larry, during the Tax Cut[s] and Jobs Act, the same Democrats said that the CBO was the gold standard in scoring the Tax Cut[s] and Jobs Act. And now, they’re trying to say, prematurely, that it’s not going to add up? Give me a break. ...

They’re not going to like the score that comes out by Friday. Because it is not paid for.” Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett.

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