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Green Murder, We have a crisis but it’s not a climate crisis

“We have a problem with a crisis.

Green Murder, We have a crisis but it’s not a climate crisis

It’s not a crisis of climate.  It’s a crisis of common sense.  It’s a crisis of government policy.  It’s a crisis of education … Green policy leads to people dying … We are killing people with green policies,”  Professor Ian Plimer said.

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Ian Plimer is an Australian geologist and author.  He is Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne.  Last October he spoke at a Conservative Political Action Network (“CPAC”) Conference held in Sydney.  He titled his speech ‘Green Murder’, the same title as his book published in 2021.

“I don’t have opinions I have demonstrable facts,” he said. “These facts are validated and these facts are repeatable.”

“No one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming.  It’s never been shown.  And if it could be shown, then you would have to show that the 97% of emissions, which are natural, do not drive global warming. Game over. We are dealing with a fraud.  That’s a scientific fraud from day one.

 “We can show that when we had natural warming, some 650 to 6 000 years later we had an increase in carbon dioxide. It’s not carbon dioxide driving temperature, it’s the exact inverse.

“We never hear about the major greenhouse gas – which is water vapour … when we evaporate water, we need energy to do that … and when you precipitate that water – as rain, snow or ice – it gives out it actually exactly the same amount that it took up as water vapour.  It is water vapour – and water, clouds, whatever form it’s in – [is] the air conditioner of our planet’s atmosphere.

“We’ve had thousands of Highly qualified imminent people predicting the end of the world.  If just one of these was correct, we wouldn’t be here. So, there’s only one type of prediction you can make which is correct.  And that is: if someone predicting the end of the world knocks on your door, [set] the dog onto them because you’ve got history on your side.

“We have a problem with a crisis. It’s not a crisis of climate.  It’s a crisis of common sense.  It’s a crisis of government policy.  It’s a crisis of education … Green policy leads to people dying … We are killing people with green policies.”

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