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Hemp Has Over 50,000 Uses: ‘Hemp Can Help Save Our World’

Below is a music video on hemp titled “hemp can help save our world” by the luminaries..

Hemp Has Over 50,000 Uses: ‘Hemp Can Help Save Our World’

They represent what they call the “luminous movement”, a shift in human consciousness that we are experiencing right now. It’s a great little video and illustrates the multiple uses of hemp and the contributions it can make to help us live in a more harmonious way with the planet. We are all awakening to the inner experience, and understand that we are beautiful, luminous beings. Be a part of this conscious community gathering intended to inspire your heart with positive music, invigorate your soul, and activate ya bofty chakra! – Luminaries Why is hemp illegal to grow? Because government laws often violate fundamental human rights. Hemp is restricted because it promotes freedom, abundance and healthy living. It is also a direct threat to many of the multi national corporations. Hemp has over 50,000 uses, it’s a natural gift from the Earth that was meant to be used by the human race, no suppressed and made illegal. Hemp can change the way we build everything, have you ever heard about Hempcrete? If you haven’t you can read more about it here. It has multiple medicinal qualities, and can be used for food and medicine. Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline.

The car itself was even constructed from hemp! You can read more about that here Spread the word about hemp! Much Love. .

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