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Here Is Who Was REMOVED From The JFK Files Released In 2017 (VIDEO)

I always say, if you try to see the world through very dirty glasses you will not see things clearly.However, if you clean those glasses, you will see what’s actually going on.

Here Is Who Was REMOVED From The JFK Files Released In 2017 (VIDEO)

. This metaphor applies beautifully to viewing the reality of how our world works. If the mainstream media, history, and the education system are your lenses into the way the world works, your glasses are dirty. If however you are utilizing critical thinking, alternative news outlets and personal research to dig more deeply on how our world actually works, you will have much cleaner glasses – provided you can set aside all political bias’ of course. Recently the JFK files were released to the public and of course everyone would suspect that the truth about what actually happened that day may come to light in a way like never before. For those saying ‘No way, they would never let that truth out,’ I hear you.

The Deep State probably wouldn’t. But then again how did we get all the leaks about the DNC corruption, the Snowden leaks and the truth about the Clinton’s around election time? Insiders in the US security agencies of course. So perhaps this time around maybe it was possible that some ‘white hats’ inside these agencies would again reveal some interesting secrets to the people. But it appears it didn’t happen that way. After 54 years of waiting for these files, not all are being released. This likely means that a person(s) is still living today, that has information related to the death and/or the cover-up of John F. Kennedy, who was killed on November 22, 1963. Who might that person be? George H. W. Bush. A man coming from one of the most Deep State protected families out there.

The video below dives into this story and data omission deeply. Check it out: .

Read the full article at the original website

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