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Here’s The World’s First 100% Solar Powered Airport (Video)

Here’s The World’s First 100% Solar Powered Airport (Video)

In an innovative plan that will remove 300,000 tonnes of carbon emissions from the air over the next 25 years, the Cochin Airport of India has set out to be completely, 100% powered by the sun as of May 2016. Laid across 45 acres in a nearby cargo complex will be 46,150 solar panels.

The emissions spared from the air will be equivalent to having planted 3 million trees, and the electricity produced will be comparable to powering 10,000 homes per year. “Now, Cochin airport will have 50,000 to 60,000 units of electricity per day to be consumed for all its operational functions, which technically make the airport ‘absolutely power neutral,’ ” Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) says in a press release. This is the fourth largest airport in the country in terms of international traffic.

They plan to sell any unused electricity to the Kerala State Electricity board and buy back what they need on overcast days and at night. A representative stated that they are looking into other alternative energy sources as well: “We are also looking at opportunities in generating power through dam-based solar panels and low-head hydro projects by utilizing Kerala’s natural resources,” a CIAL representative said.

The Indian government is encouraging other airports in the nation to do the same, as a project like this comes with many benefits. Aside from being extremely environmentally sustainable, this project is also very economical, Cochin invested $10 million for the cost of the solar panels, which they will recoup in only 5 years. Seriously, how amazing is the sun? It gives life to almost everything on this beautiful planet we call Earth, and now we are able to harness its energy to provide power for our lives! With this kind of technology we can certainly minimize the amount of damage we are causing and maybe even reverse some which has already been done.

There are solutions available to us today, we just have to utilize them and move towards sustainability in any way we can.

The bottom line is, we no longer need to be relying on fossil fuels, so why are we? This is definitely something to think about! Much Love Image Credit: Al Jazeera .

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