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How A Mother Cured Her Daughter’s Eczema With A Raw Diet

Maya had suffered from a severe form of eczema since she was a young baby.

How A Mother Cured Her Daughter’s Eczema With A Raw Diet

At the age of one, red, flaky skin broke out all over Maya’s body, forcing her mother to resort to the conventional doctor-recommended treatment for eczema, steroid cream. As supplemental advice, Maya’s pediatrician also recommended removing cow’s milk from her diet and replacing it with goat’s milk (about 15% of infants experience a dairy protein allergy, with common allergic symptoms manifesting on the skin). After doing so, Maya’s mother noticed an improvement, but this only lasted for a short while. It wasn’t long before Maya began to experience constant colds, a side effect Maya’s mother figured was caused by the steroid cream. Steroid creams have a remarkable skin-penetrating ability, flooding the bloodstream and killing the cells that provide immunity against pathogens. Maya’s mother worried, however, that the cream was only covering up the problem rather than solving the root of the issue. At the age of four, Maya’s eczema returned with a vengeance. Her mother had already decided not to use the steroid cream, and resorted to a naturopathic approach. She cleaned up Maya’s diet by cutting out milk, gluten, and refined sugars altogether, a tactic which proved beneficial, as she watched her daughter’s eczema disappear yet again. When Maya turned seven, her eczema flared up again, worse than ever before. This time, however, Maya was also found to have candida and parasites. In desperation, Maya’s mother went to her diet once again, this time cutting out meat and eggs as well as sugar. But her efforts were to no avail, as the symptoms seemed to worsen. After months of playing with Maya’s diet, her mother could see that she was ill from all of their efforts to rid Maya of her candida. She was losing weight rapidly, which her mother attributed to her inability to absorb nutrients. It was at this point that she was considering putting Maya back on drugs in fear of losing her daughter. Maya’s mother had tried everything she could think of, and her daughter’s condition wasn’t getting any better. Right before she decided to put Maya back on drugs, she came across a vegan community on Instagram which posted about how a high-carb, raw vegan diet was showing success in treating candida. Although this sounded ‘wacky’ to Maya’s mother, she had no other option at that point. She tested out a 10-day banana diet before giving it to Maya, who noticed she felt fantastic during the program. She immediately started her family on a diet that consisted mainly of fruit, leafy greens, and healthy fats from foods like avocados, nuts, and seeds. For the past six months, Maya’s skin has completely cleared up since going raw vegan, with only a few tiny dry spots left on her skin. Maya is finally at ease, and her family is feeling the benefits as well. Today Maya and her family are happy and healthy, travelling the world and documenting their experiences on their YouTube channel, deHappy. Smoothies are a big part of Maya’s family’s diet. A raw, whole food diet has changed Maya’s quality of life. Maya and her siblings on a family vacation. While a definitive consensus about whether or not a plant-based diet is the most beneficial dietary lifestyle has not been reached, many physicians have begun to recognize the health benefits of such a diet. In 2006, after reviewing data from 87 published studies, authors Berkow and Barnard reported in Nutrition Reviews that a vegan or vegetarian diet is highly effective for weight loss.

They also found that vegetarian populations have lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, their review suggests that weight loss in vegetarians is not dependent on exercise and occurs at a rate of approximately one pound per week. Another study found that vegetarian diets are nutrient dense, consistent with dietary guidelines, and could be recommended for weight management without compromising diet quality.

The Adventist Health Studies found that vegetarians have approximately half the risk of developing diabetes as non-vegetarians. In 2008, Vang et al reported that non-vegetarians were 74% more likely to develop diabetes over a 17-year period than vegetarians.

The only way to decide whether or not a plant-based diet is right for you is to try it out. A great way to begin is by reducing your meat and animal product intake gradually, such as limiting them to four days a week. Try switching out your traditional breakfast with a smoothie. Or if you really enjoy eggs for breakfast, try scrambling in some sautéed veggies such as spinach or kale. Analyze how you feel after making these small changes; if you notice you feel more energized, then begin implementing more plant-based recipes into your diet. Reducing your meat and dairy consumption only a few days a week will not only benefit your own health, but it will also have a massively positive ecological impact on our planet. Try it out and let us know how it’s going in the comment section below! Source: Mind Body Green .

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