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How Love Stopped The Cell Tower Next Door

How Love Stopped The Cell Tower Next Door

What would you do if you heard a giant cell tower was going to be installed on the property next door? With good old-fashioned neighbourly love, a Colorado mother successfully got her neighbourhood and the local church to refuse cell antenna installation. Instead of Verizon’s deployment plan, it was a neighbourhood resolution that had the final say. Watch the 15-minute convo that may change how you see activism: “We made our decision based on love for our neighbors.” -Craig Hasselbach, Lead Pastor, LifePointe Church, Ft. Collins, Colorado I was thinking about this, and to me it is increasingly clear that coming from love is necessary if we want to see real and lasting change. I’ve noticed that when I act from frustration, anger, or “ego,” it pushes away what I want, and usually the problem is either the same or worse. As counterintuitive as this may be to old-world thinking, as annoying as it is when we’re pissed off about whatever corrupt agenda, the dynamic seems to be real. Have you noticed this also, or is your experience different? Here’s a slide from my talk a couple years ago at the Building Biology conference, which may help illumine the idea: Maybe this is what Jesus, Gandhi, and other world-changers were trying to tell us. Love isn’t a pushover. With any mama bear, you don’t mess with her cubs. Her exceedingly fierce love doesn’t give up, and it always protects life. Several groups, including our team, are charting new ways of activism in this direction. Perhaps when we act from a position of strength, we are less focused on our own survival, so it becomes easier to also act from love and build relationships. And with agendas such as “5G” now being pushed (see my video on the FCC 5G), it’s more important than ever to build and embed relationships into our actions for change. I believe the combination of strength + love is what will create the systemic change we seek. Perhaps the journey to find our way there, is something all humans are being called to at this time, each in our own way. After you watch the video, consider meditating on this question: Is there an area in my life where, by applying strength and love, I can apply these principles to shift a situation? By the way, the change-maker in the video is Heather Lahdenpera, LAc. She and a team of leading experts are hosting a free event called Screen Time Colorado in Denver, on April 20, 2017. If you can arrange to be there in person, do so! Below is Heather’s inspiring perspective. You can read more about the Ft. Collins success story here. “If we pay attention to what is happening in our country, every day we will see that corporate interests are being put before human and environmental interests in so many areas of our lives. I have always done what I could by signing petitions on line when I see one that speaks to me, but I had never really taken serious action. “It is easy to become paralyzed by the feeling of powerlessness. However, when I found out that a cell tower was proposed to be placed on top of a church roof, right next door to my childrens’ school and within line of sight of my house, I could not stand idle. I understood the dangers of yet another layer of radio frequency radiation being placed near my children and family. “So, I took action. It was the most empowering thing I have ever done. As I began to notify and mobilize the neighborhood, many neighbors began to thank me for taking action.

They believed there was nothing that could be done to stop this. Once people knew they had a forum where they could voice their concerns, the community worked together and we made a small dent in this growing problem. “I found that I shared values with my neighbors, many of whom I didn’t previously know.

The church leaders at our neighborhood church, LifePointe, listened to our concerns and decided not to place a cell tower on their roof. I feel moved to stay involved with this extraordinary church with which I had had no prior connection. “I encourage everyone to take a stand for things that matter, especially our health.” -Heather Lahdenpera, LAc, Fort Collins, Colorado .

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